The vanishing of Will Byers: part 3

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I'm squeezed onto a small bench in the principles office right in between Mike and Lucas. Everyone is overlapping, trying to tell my dad what happened last night. I just stay quiet. I still can't believe he's gone. Will never came home last night, he's missing.

"Okay, okay, okay,'' my dad starts. "One at a time!"

"Da-" I begin to speak up

"No, you." He says pointing to mike, "you said he takes what?"

"Mirkwood," Mike says

My dad shakes his head. "Mirkwood?"


"Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?" Dad asks his partner

"I have not. That sounds made up to me." He answers

"No," Lucas states, "its from Lord of the Rings"

"No its not!" I argue

"Yeah, Joes right it's from the hobbit." Dustin shoots back

"Not what I meant but technically yeah," I agree.

You see, I'm pretty sure that the the Mirkwood Mikes talking about is the street Will and I take home from school, Mike's house, practically everywhere.

"It doesn't matter,'' Lucas responds annoyed

"He asked!" Dustin shoots back

"Hey, what did I just say?" My dad stops the argument. "One at a damn time!"

"Mikes talking about the street, Mirkwood. Will and I take it to get home." I say once things quiet down

"Is she right?" Dad questions, looking to Mike

"Yeah, Mirkwood its a real road. It's just the name that's made up." Mike says confirming my statement, "its where Cornwallis and Kerley meet."

"Yeah alright, I think I know that-"

Mike interrupts. "We can show you if you want us to" 

"Yeah," I agree

"I said that I knew it!" Dad raises his voice

I sigh and hopefully ask, "Dad, I take that street everywhere. I can help you look." 

"No." He says firmly, "I don't want you biking down that street anymore Joe"

"But dad I can't bike anywhere then!"

"Exactly," he cuts me off. "I want all of you after school to go straight home, after that no biking for any of you. No investigating, looking for your friend. This isn't some lord of the rings book"

"The Hobbit," Dustin corrects

Lucas grumbles. "Shut up."

"Well he is right.'' I say, trying to break it up but failing miserably.

Lucas and Dustin start shoving each other and fighting over Mike and I. Suddenly my dad stands up. He looms over us and I swear that I would be able to hear a pin drop.

"Do I make myself clear?" My dad questions in his scary voice.

"Yes sir," we all say looking up at him.





After that we all decided not to have Av club today. Dad wanted to drive me home but ultimately I convinced him to let me go over to Mikes, since he wouldn't be home until after dinner. I sit next to Mike at an awkward dinner table. It's always like this at Mikes home. I just don't fit in with his family I guess.

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