The upside down: Part 2

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"Step away from the child." He says as more bad guys come.

"No!" Mike yells. "You want her, you have to kill us first."

"That's right!" Dustin backs him up.

"Eat shit!" Lucas adds as we all stand in front of El, blocking her from the bad guys

Before we can do anything though people grab us from behind. We kick and yell but they've got us tight.

"No! Get off me!" Dustin screams.

"You idiot!" Mike yells.

I look around as I struggle. It feels like an energy is building up in my chest. This can't happen, it just can't!

I scream at the top of my lounge, "NO!"

With that every light gets so bright that they burn out and the man holding me is shot all the way down the hall. Unfortunately I didn't think my plan through. I feel a wozyness wash over me and I fall to my knees as a red liquid trickles from my nose. I guess I used up all of my energy.

"Joe!" I hear Mike scream.

Joey!" Lucas shouts, kicking the guard.

Dustin struggles, "shit!"

Then everything goes blurry. I feel a hand on my face and I try to move away.

"Twelve! Twelve can you hear me."

"Bitch." I weakly say, trying to push myself away from him but failing miserably.

"Papa?" I hear Eleven's voice mutter from my side.

He turns away from me. "Yes, yes, it's your papa."

As I hear the others scream from behind me I try and get up. I need to get up. I need to get us out of here. I just can't.

"I'm here now." I hear his sickeningly calm voice say

"Let them go!" I hear Mike yell. "Let them go you bastard!"

El whimpers.

"Shh, shh, you're sick. You're sick, but I'm going to make you better. I'm going to take you and your sister back home, where I can make you two well again. Where we can make this all better."

I feel a lump form in my throat, "sister?"

"Yes, yes Twelve. I'm back for you now. I finally found you. I'm going to take you home again, where I can make your family complete."





My mind flashes to a different time, a different day. It looks like a hospital room, like the one Sarah stayed in when we were little. Wait it is, this is Sarah's hospital room. I look over and see her and my mom and my dad all crowded around the bed. Then I see little me. I was four years old and had my short blonde hair in two high pigtails. Little me walked up to my dad.

"Daddy, when can we all go home?" I questioned.

He turned to me. "You and mommy are gonna get going in a few minutes-"

"No, when is Sarah coming home?"

My dad looked down for a second as tears formed in his eyes. "Really soon Joe, We'll all go home really soon."

I looked up with a smile, "okay Daddy!"

I then climbed over him and up to a sleeping Sarah, "Sarah-"

"Shh, Joey don't wake her up." My mom said.

"But I want to say bye before we go."

My mom forced a smile. "How about you go and ask the desk lady for some paper and crayons so you can make her a goodbye card while I pack up?"

Joey Hopper//Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now