The monster: Part 1

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I spent the night at Lucas's. In hindsight, I probably should have called and asked my dad for permission. He hasn't really been around at nights recently though so I wouldn't question it if he wasn't even home. 

It's been a little weird spending the night at a boys house, even if it is just Lucas. His mom had me sleep on a sleeping bag in his little sister Erica's room. Let me just tell you, she's the biggest prima donna I've ever met. She's only eight though so I guess I cant judge her too harshly. Anyways, Mrs. Sinclair forced Erica to let me wear one of her night gowns and then in the morning some of her clothes. I now have on a bright pink long sleeve top with a pair of baggy jeans. I usually wear dresses, not because I don't like pants, just because I don't grow that fast and it seems like a waste of money to buy new clothes when I still fit in my ones from fourth grade. Needles to say, it felt slightly weird but then again this whole week has been weird.

Me and Lucas finally get a chance alone and we sit in his living room.

"So do you have any ideas?" I ask.


"You know, to find Will." I say with a shrug.

He looks down for a second, like he's trying to think. "Not yet but think about it. We know he's not dead, and if this whole crazy theory is correct then we know where he is-"

"It's not a theory, Lucas. I was there, it's a fact." I exclaim, nudging him slightly.

"Right, whatever, It's a fact. Then all we need to do is find the portal thing."

I look up at him, "easier said than done."

"Well we thought Eleven could use her powers to find it, maybe if she hadn't been playing us she actually could have." He says in annoyance.

"So what? Are you suggesting we go back to them and beg Eleven to help us? " I say, not liking the sound of that.

"No, no way! All I'm saying is that Eleven has powers, right? And so do you. So maybe you could find it."

I'm a little shocked for a second. I guess in theory that would sound like a good plan but me? All I've done is go places while I'm sleeping, and fling things around. I mean, sure I have been able to find a few things but we're talking about a portal to another realm. I don't know where I'd even start.

I finally realize I haven't replied yet, "um...I don't know. Maybe?"

Before Lucas can respond, there's a ring at the door. We both get up to answer it but when we open the door I instantly wish we hadn't. There in front of us are Dustin and Mike. The nerve they must have to show up here so soon after the fight.

"What do you want?" Lucas asks when he sees who it is.

There both silent for a while before Dustin whacks Mike in the shoulder.

Mike sighs, "I drew first blood, so..."

He hands his arm out to Lucas, like he wants to shake.

I'm honestly curious what Lucas will do. I mean, I don't really know how I feel about all of this. I don't blame Mike for getting in a fight with Lucas. The only person I'm actually mad at is El. I'm more so upset with the two boys in front of me that they wont at least acknowledge that Eleven was totally in the wrong.

Lucas just looks between the two of them for a second.

"Let's talk inside." I say, breaking the silence.

We all pile back into the living room, everything still awkwardly quiet.

"Okay," Lucas finally says, "I'll shake."

Joey Hopper//Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now