Holly Jolly: Part 2

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The party rides around the corner to see El looking off into the distance. Dustin and I are currently in the back of the group struggling to catch up. This is one of the moments where I wish I had my own bike. My rusty yellow bike that I got for my birthday in the second grade after Will taught me how to ride without training wheels. At the time I remember Will was about an inch taller than me. You see, ever since kindergarten we've been the shortest in the party. So we made up this competition with each other to see whos taller at the time. I was beating him for most of first grade but he got me that summer. Then I was a few inches taller than him at the end of second grade but he beat me in the end. He had me for all of third grade and far into the summer until I grew an inch and was taller for all of fourth. It went on like this for years, always checking to see who's grown. But now he's about three inches taller than me and I'm not exactly happy about it. A thought runs through my head, what if I never see him again? What if the Demogorgon gets to him before we do? I can't let that happen. Never.

My thoughts are interrupted as everyone jumps off of their bikes and we all begin to wheel them up the hill to Eleven.

"El!" Mike shouts as we approach her, "you okay?"

She gives him an emotionless face.

"Hop on." Mike says, patting his bike. "We only have a few hours."

El climbs onto the back of Mike's bike just like how I did earlier with Dustin.

"Maybe I should give you a break," I say as Dustin climbs onto his bike.

"Oh, no. It's okay." He says panting, I guess it's harder to ride half an hour with another person on the back of your bike than I thought.

Lucas looks over,  "no its okay Dustin. Hop on mine Joe."

"Thanks," I say sitting on the back of his bike.

"Dang! Your like a feather." He mocks as we begin to ride down the hill.

I whack the back of his head. "Oh shut up!"

"Ow!" He complains.

"I just wish my dad would give me my stupid bike back."

"I bet if he even found out you were riding he'd be pissed," Lucas says with a smile.

"Probably," I laugh.





We've made our way into the forest and began walking our bikes since the ground is so uneven. Mike and El are walking in front, while Dustin, Lucas, and I stick behind a bit. 

"Hey, Joe." Lucas says.


His eyes watch the ground. "I'm sorry if I made you upset earlier."

"What are you talking about?" I ask perplexed, noticing Dustin fall back in a clear attempt to not intrude.

"At recess, when you told me to shut up. You had tears in your eyes...I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." He says, looking back up to me.

With his words I remember it all. "Its-Its okay. Its just when you were teasing Mike, It reminded me of Will. You know, the last night we saw him? I-I just miss him."

As we continue to walk, tears beg to fall from my eyes once again. 

"I miss him too." Lucas exclaims as he meets my eyes, "that's why we shouldn't be wasting our time on Eleven! What if she can't find will, what if she's lying?"

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