The bathtub: Part 1

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We both quickly climb down the tree, hoping not to lose them. We hop onto our bikes and start speeding after the vehicles. We ride as fast as we can, which is pretty fast considering  Lucas and I are both two of the fastest bike riders in the party. Then something dawns on me...we're going back the same way as we came. But why would all of these people be going to Lucas's house? Wait-

"Lucas, they know about Eleven!" I shout.

"What do you mean?"

"There going to Mike's house!"

Lucas's eyes go wide, "shit, shit, shit!"

I reach over and manage to turn on Lucas's walkie as we both speed up even more.

"Mike! There coming!" I shout, even though I know we're probably way out of range.

"They know about Eleven!" Lucas continues to no response, "son of a bitch!"

"Lucas--slow down--understand--" Mikes voice cuts in and out over the walkie-talkie.

"Yes, I copy! Do you?" Lucas pants as we both go so fast that we're leaving light skid marks behind us.

"They know about Eleven!" I scream into the device.

"Get out of there!" Lucas shouts, "they know about Eleven!"

I look ahead at the vans that are only about two miles ahead of us. "The bad men are coming! All of them!"

"Do you hear us?" Lucas screams "The bad men are coming!"

The connection cuts out as the vans all pull onto Mike and Lucas's street.

"Fucking shit!" I scream in exasperation.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Lucas asks in a panic.

"I don't know!" I say, throwing my hands off of the handle bars as I continue to peddle. "Try Dustin!"

Lucas nods and attempts to contact Dustin, "Dustin, do you copy?"

"Yeah, Lucas." Dustin's voice comes out a lot clearer over the walkie, hopefully him and the others are on the move. "They're on us."

"Where are you?" I ask.


Lucas looks up at the street signs, "meet us at Elm and Cherry!"

"Copy, Elm and cherry."

Lucas and I keep riding until Mike, with Eleven on the back of his bike and Dustin pull out of the park. We all stop for a second to regroup.

"Where are they?" I ask out of breath.

"I-I don't know." Mike replies.

Dustin lets out a sigh, "I think we lost them."

Suddenly all of the vans come pilling down our street.

"Definitely didn't lose them!" I scream as we all start pedaling again.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Mike shouts.

We all start screaming random things about going faster. All I can think about is how we'll never lose them. I mean, it's not like we can outrun a bunch of fricking vans! Right when I think we've hit rock bottom, another van pulls out of the street right in front of us.

"Shit!" Dustin screams super loudly.

The van keeps coming towards us at full speed. 

I shake my head. "They're gonna stop, right!"

Joey Hopper//Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now