The monster: Part 2

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"Lucas?" I whisper-shout once we get about a block away.


"You heard that, right?"


I can tell we both know what that man meant. They found her...they found me. But how? The 'Power company' is obviously just a cover up, but for what? Is it those scientists I keep having visions of? This whole situation makes me wonder how much I really am connected to all of this. What if these people have been looking for me this whole time and only just now found me because of Eleven? One thing is certainly clear, my dad lied about getting me from an orphanage. What if...what if he's in on all of this? What if I was like Eleven but my dad somehow got me away?




As we ride around, I finally get the chance to tell Lucas about what happened with the creepy men two nights ago. After about an hour of discussing our options, we ultimately decide to go to the Hawkins power and light company. As we pull our bikes through the leaves I see a tall chain link fence with a bunch of signs saying 'This is private property' and such.

"Oh man," Lucas exclaims.

I jump up off my bike, trying to get a better look. "Come on, let's go around and see if there's another opening."

Lucas looks up at a tall tree, "or..."






We both sit at the top of the tree, overlooking the large facility. Let me just say, it was definitely a good decision to wear jeans.

"So what's your plan now genius?" I ask, slightly sarcastically.

I mean, I didn't just climb this tree for nothing.

"A stakeout," he replies as he opens up his backpack and retrieves his binoculars.

"A what?"

"A stakeout. We're gonna sit up here for a while and see if we can find out any information."

I sigh. "Okay, but I need to be home by eight. My dad will kill me if I don't at least check in with him for two nights."





We sit up here for about fifteen minutes before some action starts going down. I don't have any binoculars so I can't see as detailed as Lucas but I can still definitely tell what's going on. About forty to fifty men are all piling into Hawkins power and light vans, carrying a bunch of guns. And when I say a bunch, I mean at least two each. Within minutes all of the vans pull out.

"Shit." Lucas says, lowering his binoculars.

I hesitantly ask, "should we follow them?" 

Lucas takes a while to respond but finally says, "yeah... Yeah, lets go."










Okay, so I know this chapter is really short but it felt awkward to squeeze into part one and I like to keep each chapter as only the stuff that happened in the titled episode. Pretty much I didn't want to have to call it 'The monster: Part 2/ The bathtub: part 1'. But anyways I hope you're all having an awesome day and thank you soooooo much for reading :)



Joey Hopper//Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now