The upside down: Part 3

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We all eventually find our way outside. The strange thing though is that I can't seem to feel the cool chill that should be giving me goosebumps this far into November. I can barely acknowledge all the fire trucks and ambulances pulling up around us. It feels like someone just died. I mean, I guess she did. El's dead, Sarah's dead. I remember all the nights I would wake up crying after I accidentally walked in and witnessed as all the machines  failed and Sarah let out her last breath. Somehow this feels worse. It feels like she just died again, Eleven did just die. I can't even comprehend that though. Dead, Elevens dead. Those words just don't fit. How? Why? So many questions flood through my head. My older sister was murdered. It hurt enough when I thought she had died of a terrible sickness with no cue. Now though? It feels like nothingness. Like every time I blink I'm somewhere else. Like I can't even understand the time passing me by. Then out of the blue I feel something. I feel an embrace. I look up and through his dark brown hair I see my dad. Suddenly the sounds around me become more clear and I take notice to the wet tears on my face.

"I'm sorry it's so late, Joe." He says as he lets me go.

I just look at him for a second. I want to say something but it's almost like I've forgotten how to speak. Like the English language is unable to come out of my mouth.

I finally say, "home...Lets-let's go home."

And we do. The drive is like a blur. The entire night feels like a blur. My dad does eventually manage to break me out of my trance though. All he has to say are the words I've been waiting to hear all week.

"Will's in the hospital." He starts. "They're gonna let visitors in to see him soon."

At that I perk up. I don't even brush my hair or change out of my pajamas before I rush my dad out the door.





We all sit in the hospital lobby as we wait to be allowed in. We've been waiting in this small, smelly room all day and we still haven't heard a word. So much for 'letting us in soon'. Lucas and Dustin are both asleep and laying all over each other. Mike and I sit on a bench together wide awake. We made a promise that if either of us start to drift off we'll punch them in the face. Mike looks super tense. I guess I don't look tense per say, more excited. That probably sounds weird. I decided when my dad and I got here that I can't be sad. I just can't be. So I hid it all inside for later. On the outside it probably looks like that's working but on the inside the only thing that can stop me from bursting into tears is the thought of talking to Will.

Finally Jonathan walks in and nods. Without even muttering a word I know what he means. Me and Mike jump to our feet and start shaking Lucas and Dustin.

"Guys," Mike starts. "Guys he's up!"

I shove Dustin's shoulder. "Come on sleepy heads, Will's up!"

With that they both wake up and start running towards his room with us. Room 228. I memorized the number only minutes after Joyce told it to us. We burst through the doors and I almost stop dead in my tracks. In front of me is Will, and not the over halfway dead Will but my Will. The real Will.

"Byers!" Lucas shouts as we give Will an enormous hug.

Dustin pushes me, Lucas and Mike off of Will as he goes to give him a hug. "Move!"

I let out a loud giggle, all of my worries drifting away for a brief moment.

"You will not believe what happened when you were gone, man." Lucas exclaims with a smile.

Joey Hopper//Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now