The body: Part 3

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We walk into the dark AV room and turn on the lamp.

"Come on," Mike says as he pulls out a seat for El.

Once she takes a seat, he sits down himself.

"Now what?" Dustin exclaims as we all crowd around them.

"She'll find him, right El?"

Eleven looks up at Mike with a expression that doesn't exactly give me confidence. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see Lucas mouthing 'what do you think?' I just shrug, not really being sure myself. Then I look back and El has her eyes closed and her hand on the Heat-kit.

"Hey Eleven, are you okay?" I ask, putting my hand on her shoulder.

But when my fingers brush against her skin, something strange happens.

It's like I'm in some kind of dream. No, not a dream. A memory. I was in a metal room but everything was dark. Like someone had killed the power. The scariest part is that somehow, I think the memory is my own.

Then a voice that sent chills down my spine began to speak. "Twelve, don't be a bad girl. Turn the lights back on for papa."

"No," I said in a voice I barely recognize as my own. It sounded young, as if I were a toddler.

"Twelve, you remember what happened to Seven, You don't want that to happen to you, do you?"

Then as if I have no control over my body, I jump off the chair I've been sitting at and begin to sprint down the halls, breaking the lights around me as I go. I hear screams and alarms going off but I don't stop. I have to find her, I have to find her. Who...who do I have to find? Unfortunately, as much as I rack my brain, that information seems to be hiding from me...for now. Then I see him, a tall older looking man with blue eyes, and silver hair. The worst terror I've ever felt fills me as I try to run the other way. He's quicker though and he snatches me into his arms.

"Why did you try and escape, Twelve? You know your my favorite, you know your the most powerful."

"Please papa!" My small voice begged as I struggled in his grip.

"Don't you understand, Twelve? No one escapes. I let them leave because there not worth my time any longer. Sure, Eleven shows potential but you...I'll never let you leave, never."

Then I started to scream, at first they were just normal screams but as I went on they got more powerful. All the windows around me begin to break from the force. I struggled more and more but then I see his face, a smirk. Like he's enjoying this. Like I'm pleasing him. Then I let out one final scream and the building shakes. I'm dropped to the floor, and a rip appears in front of me. A rip in the universe where another one is peeking through. Not just any world...The upside down.

Then I blink and I'm back. Back in the AV room with Mike, and Lucas, and Dustin, and El. I take a step back as my eyes go wide.

"Joe, what is it?" Mike asks with concern in his eyes.


Then something incredible happens.

"Mom?" Will's voice echoes through the room.

"No way," Lucas states as he leans closer to the heath-kit.


"Will!" Mike shouts.

Lucas screams. "Will Its us, are you there?"

Everyone starts screaming like crazy. I want to join in, I really do...but I can't. I'm too scared. I did this, I opened the portal to the upside down. I'm the reason Will's missing. I'm the reason he might die. Tears begin to fall down my face. But how? I mean, all I've done with these...powers is throw back a monster, locate my bike...How could I have started something like this?

I come back to reality as the heath-kit bursts into flames triggering the fire alarm to go off. Dustin quickly runs over to the fire extinguisher and puts out the fire. Then I notice Mike and Lucas huddling around Eleven.

"Are you alright?" Mike says looking her in the eyes, "can you move?"

She just stares ahead, it must have been harder then she expected to find Will. She must be drained.

Mike looks over to Lucas, "help her up."

With that the boys all pick up El and drag her out of the AV room but I just stay still.

"Joe!" Lucas shouts as he struggles to keep Eleven off the ground. "We got to go!"

So I follow them as we hurry down the halls and out of the school. But the whole time it all feels numb.

I have to tell them.













Hi guys sorry for the short chapter but if I would have put this in the last one it would have been a SUPER long chapter so I decided to make a shorter one! I hope you guys are having a great day, Bye!



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