The body: Part 2

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We ride down the street, and I feel the breeze flying past me. The squeaking of my rusty pedals along with the sun shining down on me reminds me of what life used to be only a few days ago. Before Will went missing, before the Demogorgon was real. When we would just ride our bikes down the streets without a care in the world. Unfortunately, this isn't one of those times. Will is missing. The Demogorgon is real. And I'm not just a regular girl anymore. I haven't wanted to admit it until now, but even if we put this all right I won't be able to be who I was before. And that scares me.





We walk through the school with a slightly tense vibe between all of us. I mean, we're sneaking in a twelve year old girl with superpowers, let alone the fact that were like two hours late for school. I mean we could get detention or something!

"Okay," Mike starts, "remember if anyone sees us look sad."

Then an announcement begins echoing through the empty hallways. "Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now."

We reach the AV room and Mike tugs on the door, "its locked."

I let out a groan, "shit."

"What!" Lucas says, pushing Mike aside and beginning to try the door himself.

"That's not gonna work Lucas." I say and tug his arm away.

"Then what?" He replies, obviously frustrated.

Dustin turns to El, "hey do you think you can open it? With your powers?"

"Boys? Joe?" 

All of a sudden Mr. Clark rounds the corner causing us to all turn towards him.

"The assemblies about to start," he says in a kind tone.

"We know," Mike says, instantly putting on his sad face.

I follow his lead and make tears form in my eyes. "We're know-"

"Upset." Lucas says with a smile, I step on his foot and he immediately puts on the most fake pout I've ever seen.

Dustin puts on a neutral face, "yeah definitely upset."

"We need some alone time." Mike says, clearly a much better actor than the other guys.

"To cry," Dustin blurts out.

"Yeah listen," Mr. Clark starts. "I get it, I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh?"

We all nod our heads.

"And then," Mr. Clark digs through his pocket, pulling out a keychain and proceeding to throw it to me. "The heathkit is all yours, for the rest of the day. What do you say?"

"That would be great." I say as a smile plasters my face.

Mr. Clark suddenly notices El, he looks between her and I for a second. "I don't believe we've met. What's your name?"


"Elanor!" Mike bursts out.

I quickly try and think of a cover up, "she's my um-"

"Cousin!" Lucas says.

"Second cousin," Dustin corrects him.

"She's here for Will's funeral." Mike sighs.

"Ah well welcome to Hawkins middle, Elanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances." Mr. Clark states with a caring tone.

"Thank you." Eleven says in a quiet voice.

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