The weirdo on Maple street: part 2

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"I woke up in an unfamiliar space. Well, it was my room but it was different. It was...Dark. Literally, The morning sunlight that usually flows into my bedroom was nowhere to be seen. At first I just thought It was because my window was all boarded up but the more I looked it wasn't just my room it was everywhere, the entire house, the whole street. Then I heard a voice, it was Will he was calling my name. He sounded so scared. I was getting closer to him, I could feel it! But then I heard a...Growl. Will started screaming to turn back, to run. I wasn't going to though not without him... Then I woke up." I tell my dad as I finish up my breakfast.

"That's a pretty crazy dream." Dad says, putting on his jacket.

"But that's the thing." I start, "don't call me crazy but it felt so...real."

"That is how nightmares usually work."

"No, no, no. You don't understand! I could hear his voice, I could hear him!" I exclaim, looking dad dead in the eyes.

"Joe, kid. You didn't hear Will, it was just a dream." Dad says walking over and sitting in a chair across from me


"Joey, I promise you I'm doing everything I can to find him."

"Yeah I know," I finally drop the subject.

Dad stands up and grabs my empty plate.

He sighs. "I'm gonna need to take you with me on an errand before I drop you off at school."

"Well, that wouldn't be a problem if you would just let me ride my bike to school." I argue with a smirk.

"Joe, I don't think you get it!" He raises his voice. "You were with Will, if you hadn't slowed down to talk to your other friend I-I don't know what would have happened to you!"

I look away from my dad, now no longer able to meet his eyes. The reality is that I'm scared. Scared for Will...I miss him so much. It feels like a piece of me just isn't there anymore. As if there's a million things I still need to say to him. I never even told him that I love him, and not in that mushy romantic way. In all honestly, I don't even really know what it means to be in love with someone like that. I've known him for years now though. He's the one who was with me when I lost my first tooth, when I graduated from elementary school. He's my friend and I love him. There's so many things that I'm unsure of but that Isn't one of them. There's another thing I'm sure of as well, there's no way that was a nightmare. It was real and I know it. I saw will, and I'm gonna get him back. No matter what it takes.

"You understand me?" Dad says, asking about his prior statement.

"Yes," I say looking up at him. "What's the errand?"

"Miss Byers said she heard something last night."

Hope washes over me. "Will!?"

"I wouldn't get your hopes up," dad says putting on his hat. "Miss Byers hasn't been acting like herself scene Will disappeared."

But that's enough for me. Any clue big or small, It proves that I'm right. It proves that Will is out there. That we can find him. 





Dad and I approach Will's house. It's a decent sized home that I'm very familiar with. After all, I've been here about a million times. It's weird not coming to see Will though. It almost makes the place look haunted.

"Remember," my dad says as we get to the porch. "No taking, this is work"

I flatten out my pink dress. "Yeah, yeah, I know."

Joey Hopper//Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now