This Is Everything

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I shook it off of me and decided to watch a movie in bed. 

I walked upstairs and looked at my DVD collection. 'Alice in Wonderland', perfect. I popped it in and opened my window a bit because I felt like it was too hot in my room. It was pretty cold outside, I wasn't surprised if it would start to snow.

The cold air immediately crept into the room, I shivered and crawled under the covers. I watched a bit of the movie until I felt my eyelids become heavy.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. I woke up when I heard a voice whisper and felt the bed dip.

'Heey, I was worried about you. I know you don't want to talk but I think we should.' I fluttered my eyes open and saw Cam sitting on the side of my bed. 

I looked up at him and he gave me a weak smile. 

'What do you want, Cam? I don't know what you want anymore. I'm so confused.' I told him in all honest. 

He sighed. 'I'm gonna let it all out, okay?' I nodded and sat up. I placed my back against the wall and looked at him. 

'I want you but I'm used to fuck around with girls and it's like I need rehab or something for that because it is normal to me to do that. I can't just stop, I did it for nearly 8 months so nobody can expect from me to stop right now. On the other hand, I'm so happy to have you back around. I can't live without you. I need you, you keep me on the right path. You are my rock like I said earlier.' 

He shook his head. 

'I've been depressed those past months. I wasn't satisfied with anything or anyone. The only ones who knew about it were Nash and  Tom and they tried to help me but they couldn't. I needed you. That's why I forced you but I was too scared to tell you about it. I want you, I want to give you my heart but I'm scared that you will run away because you can't handle my depression.' He sighed. 

'I started to get better ever since we hung out again, whether that was forced or not. And I'm sorry for forcing you. I'm just lost.' 

I crawled over to him and pulled him against me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. 

'I never ever would leave you like that and you know that. You know that all too well. And I'm glad you told me now so we can do something about it.' I told him softly. I let go of him and faced him. 

'Do you...' I began. 'No, I don't cut or anything. I just partied a lot and got wasted every night and then I hooked up with some random girl.' He told me. 

'Okay, that's one less thing to worry about.' I said to him. 

He nodded. I let myself fall on the bed and took him with me. 

'Can you now just come and cuddle with me?' I asked him. He smiled when I let go of him. 

He took off his shoes and crawled under the covers next to me. He pulled me close and I placed my head on his chest. 

I looked up at him. 'How did you even come in?' I asked him confused. 'I have the spare key remember?' I shook my head. That's right he got the spare key from my house and I got his from back when we hooked up. We both completely forgot about that when we stopped our thing until today. 

'We will fix this.' I told him. 'I know.' He said and gave me a kiss on top of my head. 

'(Y/N)?' He asked me. 'Yes, Cam?' He took a deep breath. 

'Do want to be mine?' He asked me softly. 

'I always wanted to. Yes, Cam. I will be yours if you will be mine.' He chuckled. 

'I'm all yours.' He stroked my hair. 'Good.' I told him. 

'Is it okay if I close my eyes? I'm so tired.' I asked him. 

He smiled when I looked up at him. 'Ofcourse, sleep well babe.' He gave me a kiss and I placed my head on his chest again. 

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep again. After some time I felt Cam move underneath my head and I opened my eyes. 

'Good afternoon Mrs. (Y/L/N), I heard that (Y/N) was sick so I came to check on her. She wanted to cuddle, so we cuddled and she fell asleep.' Cam said softly.  

'Well, I'm glad you checked on her. Thank you Cameron.' I heard my mom say. 

My mom left and I looked up at Cam. 'She always liked you.' I told him while I yawned. He chuckled.

I reached for my phone and checked the time. 'Jesus. I slept for like 4 hours.' I looked up at Cam. 

'Yeah.' He chuckled. 'How did you survive? With me laying on you?' I asked him. 

'I just checked Twitter and Instagram and stuff like that. It was nice to feel your warmth and to see you sleep so peacefully.' He smiled. 

I giggled. I opened Instagram myself and scrolled down my feed. I saw a picture from Cam that was posted just about an hour ago. 

I smiled to myself. 'What are you smiling at?' Cam asked me and turned his head so he could see what I was smiling at. 

'Ohh, oops?' He said with a guilty expression. 

'It's cute.' He sighed in relief and I giggled and gave him a kiss. 'Good, I wasn't going to delete it anyway.' He laughed. 

It was a picture of me laying on Cam's chest with my eyes closed. It had the caption: 'This is everything.' 

'I like it.' I said to him. I liked the picture and checked my text messages. 

Eva: 'OMG, (Y/N). IT IS OFFICIAL!?' I laughed. 'What?' Cam asked while he was looking at me with his phone in his hand. 

'Eva. She is always curious and wants to know everything.' I told him. We both laughed. I looked at another text. 

Tom: 'Thank you, (Y/N). You are the best, I'm glad that everything is okay now. Tom' 

'Cameron do you wanna stay for dinner?' My mom asked when she walked into my room. 

'Oh heey honey. How do you feel?' She asked me. 'I feel much better now. How was your trip?' I smiled to Cameron and then looked back at my mom. 

'It was boring like always. You know me, I don't like that formal stuff.' She laughed and looked at Cameron. 

Cam looked at me. I nodded. 

'I would love to, Thank you, Mrs. (Y/L/N).' He said sweetly to her. 

'Ohh please call me Carla.' She said before she walked downstairs. 

I looked up at Cam.

I felt happy but I knew that we had a long way to go. This wasn't the end yet, that's one thing for sure. 

More Than That // Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now