Let's Break Your Rules

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'Ughhh.. I don't wanna go to school.' He sighed. 

'Me neither.' I told him. 'But we need to and we only have like 2 classes today.' 

'Come, we need to get to school.' I got out of his grip and looked at him. He looked quite tough but adorable at the same time.  

I giggled. 'What?' He asked me. I shook my head. 'Tell me.' He said and popped himself up on his elbows. 

'You look cute and tough at the same time due to the swollen lip and the tear in it.' I giggled. 

'I'm not cute, I'm tough.' He showed his biceps and flexed it. I laughed. 

He sighed. 'I'm not cute.' He said in a really low voice and laid down again. I laughed at his voice.

'You are the toughest guy in the world.' I told him and came close to his face with mine. 

'Glad, you finally see it.' He said and smiled. He flinched when he smiled. 'Don't. Smile.' I told him. 

He caressed my cheek with his thumb. 'I'm not gonna kiss you on the lips. Those need to rest otherwise you maybe can't use them for the rest of your life. That would be a shame.' I was exaggerating the whole thing but it sounded soooo nicely dramatic. 

'But...' He pouted slightly. He flinched again. 'Jezus, I can't do anything with this stupid tear in it.' 

He sighed and let go of me, he let his head fall on the couch again and I kissed his cheek. 

'Come.' I told him and stood up. 

It would be a 15 minute drive so we would be there 10 minutes for the class would start. 

'Okay, I'm coming.' He said and got off the couch, 

I grabbed my shoes and put them on. Cam grabbed my jacket and handed it to me. 

I smiled and thanked him. I got into my jacket and smiled to him. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and placed my beanie on my head. 

'You have to wear a scarf, Cam. Just like me.' I smiled to him. 'I don't want you to get sick aswell. You already have enough to take care of.' I told him. 

He grabbed a scarf himself and wrapped it around his neck. 

'Tadaaa.' He said. I smiled and he grabbed my hand. He grabbed my school bag and his aswell.

We walked out of his house and to his car. He let me in and got in himself. 

He placed our bags in the backseat and brought the engine to life. 

'Let's go to school.' He said and smirked so that his lip wouldn't hurt. 

We listened to the radio the whole ride and Cam hummed along to it and I stried to sing along. 

We arrived at school and Cam parked his car. 

We didn't have class together but we did have the same amount of classes so he would drive me home after school. 

He sighed. 'What's up?' I asked him and looked at him. 

He turned to me. 'I just wanna lay in bed all day with you beside me and watch movies or something.' He said. 

'Yeah, I would like that too.' I smiled to him. 'We can do something this weekend!' I told him. 'Anything you want,' 

He nodded. 'I would like that. I will plan something for the weekend.' He told me and he gave me a small smile. 

I gave him a kiss on his cheek and got out of the car. I grabbed my bag and so did he. He closed the door and locked his car. He grabbed my hand and led me into the building. 

We walked to my locker. I opened it and placed my jacket, scarf and beanie in it. Cam stood next to my locker and looked at me. 

'What?' I asked him curious. I stopped doing what I was doing and looked at him. 

'I was just looking at you.' He said and a small smile played on his lips. 

'And?' I asked him. 'And I think you are beautifull and I'm glad you're mine. I'm a lucky guy.' He told me. 

I blushed and looked down. 'Don't look down.' He told me and placed his finger under my chin and lifted my head up so I looked at him. 'Look up and wear that crown with pride because you are my queen.'  He smiled and I blushed. 

'Ouch.' He said. I giggled. ' And you are my king.' I kissed him on the cheek. 'But you need to stop smiling.' I told him and giggled slightly. 

'Okay, okay' He said. I closed my locker and he grabbed my hand again. 

The bell rang and he walked me to my class. 

Before I entered the classroom I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

'I will see you at your locker after school, okay?' He asked me.

I nodded. 'See you later, beautifull.' He said while caressing my cheek. I smiled and blushed slightly. 

Why did he always made me blush? I felt like a small child that gets a compliment for the first time and doesn't know what to do with it. 

 He let go of my hand and walked away. 

I walked into class and saw Eva sitting. She waved excited, '(Y/N).' She squealed. 

'How are you doing?' She asked me when I took the empty seat next to her. 

'I'm fine.' I told her. 'So it's officially official right?' She asked me curious. 

'Yup.' I told her and she hugged me tight. 'I'm soooo happy for you.' She beamed. She let go of me and looked at me. 

'How are you and Tom doing?' I asked her. 'We are doing great but I know what you're doing, I won't go with it. I want all the details. No getting out of that Miss.' She told me. 

I shook my head and the teacher wanted to start. Eva and I talked the whole time, softly so that nobody could hear it. 

She was so happy for me and I was happy for her and Tom. 

The class ended and we walked to the next class. The second class was the same as the first, we talked the whole time and didn't really paid attention.

The bell rang. Eva and I stood up and collected our stuff. We walked out of class and walked to my locker. Eva's locker wasn't far from mine so when we walked to our lockers we saw Cam standing infront of my locker. 

'Hi Cam.' Eva said. 'Heey, Eva. How are you doing?' He asked her once he looked up. 

'I'm doing great but I heard you were playing a fighters boss this morning.' She giggled and Cam shook his head and gave her a small smile. 

'I couldn't let him insult my lady, now could I?' He asked as theoretically question. 

'No. You are a real hero, Cam. It's good you have (Y/N) to take care of you.' She winked at him. 

'Well I need to get home but I will see you two love birds later.' She said before she gave me and Cam a hug and walked away.  'Bye, Eva.' Cam said.  'Bye, guys.' She said. 

'So what you wanna do?' Cam asked while I grabbed my stuff. I placed my books in my bag and got into my jacket. I wrapped the scarf around my neck and placed the beanie on my head. 

'Euhhmm..' I said and closed my locker. 'I wanna kiss you so bad.'  I told him and came close to him. 

Cam chuckled. 'Well, let's break your rules.' He said and kissed me softly. 

His hand was placed on my hip while his other hand cupped my face. I placed one hand on the back of his neck and the other on his shoulder. 

This was a great way to break the rules eventhough I made that rule. 

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