Chapter 1

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You're gone and no one got to say goodbye.
Present day.
Addison POV

It was a earlier Saturday morning. The sun was out, it was a beautiful day. I remember it clearly like no other. My mother and father were downstairs as my brothers played with there toys outside on the lawn. My father was reading the Saturday newspaper and my mother had a book open on her lap. They were surrounded by baked goods and delicious coffee and tea.

I always preferred tea, coffee was bitter on my tongue. I walk behind my mom and kissed her on the cheek.
"Morning, I've got to go" I say quickly grabbing one of the yummy biscuits that was on the white plate with cute little flowers on it

"Where are you going?" My father asked putting his newspaper down to look at me with firm eyes.
"I'm going to go hang out with Dixie" I say smiling at him. My father nodded and picked up his newspaper to continue reading.
"What time will you be home honey?" I take a bite of the biscuit and shrug my shoulders. I grab my backpack looking at myself in the mirror to check my appearance.

"Probably like 2" I run my hands through my curly blonde hair before smiling.
"Ok but text me if you are going to be later than that" I put my Adidas shoes on.
"Will do"
"Have fun" I smile waving at them before walking out the door and towards my brothers.

"Hey guys" they both looked up from there toys and gave me the biggest smiles.
"Sissy!" Lucas says opening his arms out to me and I bend down to hug him. His arms wrap around my neck and I smile as he try's to squeeze the life out of me. I pull away and mess up Enzo's hair which he giggled at before swatting my hand away. My phone beeps and I fish it out of my pocket.

D: "Come on Addy get your cute ass over here, I'm bored!"
A: "ok ok I'm coming!"

I smile as I put my phone away.
"I've got to go guys I'll see you later" they wave at me as I head over to my car. Unlocking it I hop in and drive down the quiet roads. I pull up in front of her house and just stare up at the huge house. Dixie's  family is filthy rich they get Dixie whatever she wants but Dixie wasn't the typical girl.

She was the leader of the cheerleaders, she got straight A's and her boyfriend was the captain of the football players. She was the nicest person in the whole school oddly enough. Usually you would think someone like her would be stuck up and rude but she wasn't. She was beautiful, kind and smart. A whole package.

I get out of my car and walk up to her door knocking lightly. The door opened a few seconds later and there stood Dixie beautiful as always.
"Addy!" She wrapped her arms around my waist and I laughed but hugged her back. She pulled me into the house and closed the door.
"I've missed you" I laugh.
"I saw you yesterday at school"
"Still that was a long time ago" I laugh again.

"Want to watch a movie?" She says walking into her very expensive kitchen.
"Sure" I put my backpack down on her counter and lean against it.
"I'll get popcorn ready" she winks at me before turning around grabbing some popcorn and putting some popcorn in the microwave. I was watching her the whole time, admiring her. She moved so calmly so efficient.

She turns around quickly before I could look away. I meet her eyes and it was clear on her face. She knew I was admiring her. I look away playing with my fingers. Breaking us from the silence was the microwave going off. Dixie turns back around and grabs a big bowl.
"Hey why don't you choose the movie or series?"
"Ok" I say walking away and into her tv room.

I grab her remote and sit on the couch. I flip through the different series and movies on Netflix.
"Anything good?" I shake my head. Dixie comes and sits right next to me and throws the blanket over us before putting the big bowl of popcorn on her lap.
"Hey Addy are you coming to the big party tonight?" I look over at her.
"no way my parents won't let me go, it's a school night" I say and Dixie pouts.

"Aww Addy please, I'll cover for you" she pouts and I look at her eyes.
"I'll do anything" she says smiling.
"Anything?" She smirks and I nod my head.

* * *

I don't know why Dixie loves to come to party's like seriously they suck. The air smells like weed, there's a bunch of horny teenagers, people are drunk and acting stupid. There's no point in being here. I told my parents that I'd be sleeping over at Dixie's place which they weren't to happy about but they trust Dixie. Dixie and I walk ahead and I see gremlin aka Griffin. Gremlin walks over to Dixie and kisses her long and hard. I just stare at them and frown.

Dixie opens her eyes and looks at me while still kissing Gremlin. I look away and look around at the rest of the party.
"Let's get drinks" I turn my head to look at Dixie and I nod my head.
"Okay" she smiles and takes my hand. She pulls me into the kitchen. I saw Bryce there talking to a bunch of his other buddy's. His eyes meet mine and he smiles.

I smile back to be nice.
"Here Addy" Dixie says and hands me a drink. I smile at her.
"Thanks Dix" she smiles back and I drink some of the drink. The only thing that really bothered me was that Bryce was staring at me and I didn't like it at all.

* * *

It was much later in the party when I kinda lost track of Dixie. I didn't mean too but she went to look for Griffin and disappeared. I sigh and start to look around for her, surely she can't be far. I go outside and that's when I see Dixies back but then she gets into the car and the car speeds down the road. Maybe Griffin was taking her home but it's odd that she didn't text me or anything. I didn't think much about it and decided to head to Dixies place. Alone.

+ + +

I look down at my hands that were covered with dry blood. My whole body was numb and I felt as if I was going to pass out. It was all to much.
"Addison" I look up at the detectives and the lady in the right was a very sweet women, her partner next to her was not to nice. He was mean and wanted all the details.
"Are you sure you went to Dixies place?" He asks and I nod my head.

"How did you find her?" He asks and I just open and close my mouth. Tears were running down my dirty face as all the memory's came flooding back to me.
"John I think that's enough for today" the lady says and the guy, John sighs and crosses his arms.
"Hey Addison why don't you go home and clean up and try and get some sleep, we'll call you in tomorrow" I slowly nod my head and I slowly get up. I walk out of the room hugging my body tight. I just can't believe it.


"Why did you let her go?" John says and I roll my eyes.
"The girl has had enough, you try finding your best friend dead only an hour ago" I say to him and he huffs.
"She's hiding something in her story" he says and I cross my arms.
"She is, but I don't think she killed her" I say and he shakes his head.

"You don't know that, she could be a suspect" I shake my head.
"It's not her John so back off" I say and he puts on his jacket.
"You try having a very angry and upset parents shouting at you to make sure that Dixie's killer is caught. I'm trying to find the killer and if Addison is the only one that saw her then she's a suspect" he says and I sigh.
"It's not her John I can feel it" he shakes his head.
"What ever you say Mae, have a good night detective" he says and walks out the room.

I sigh loudly and look out the window to see Addison hugging her parents. It better not be you Addison, please don't let it be you.

. . .

Tadaaaaaa, it's a murder mystery. Who do you think killed Dixie??

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