Chapter 10

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Thank you
Addison POV

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!" He shouts at me and I fall silent.
"I'm sorry" I say and he runs his hands through his hair.
"I thought we were friends?" He says his voice filled with hurt.
"We are" I say and he shakes his head.
"IF WE WERE FRIENDS YOU WOULDN'T OF FUCKED HER?!" He shouts and bite my bottom lip.

"I'm so sorry Griffin but I loved her" I say and he looks at me.
"You loved her?" He says and I take a seat on my porch.
"Yes Griffin I loved her" I say and he takes a seat next to me.
"I'm sorry I really shouldn't of happened but I don't regret being with her" I say and he sighs.
"I'm sorry too I shouldn't of yelled at you" he says.
"No you had every right to yell at me" I say and he sighs.

"Why did you do it in the first place?" He asks and I sigh.
"I guess I always had a crush on Dixie, the day we kissed it was just suppose to be one kiss but things changed and it turned into a relationship" I say and he breaths in and out.
"You guys were always close, I wasn't actually surprised when I found out" he says and I look at him.

We both fall silent.
"I know you didn't do it, I always did" I say and he nods his head not looking at me.
"Thanks" he says.
"I'm gonna get going" he says and stands up.
"It's okay Addison, it's okay" he says and I bite my bottom lip and nod my head.
"You treated her better and I have no doubt in my mind that she loved you too" he says and give him a small smile.

He puts his hood up and walks away leaving me alone on the porch. I hear the front door open and I don't turn around.
"Addison-" my mom says but I cut her off.
"I know, we have to talk" I say and turn around. My mom nods her head and I breath in and out and walk inside.


"We sneak in quietly I don't want them to know we are coming" I say to one of the police officers as I securely strap my bullet prove vest on.
"Yes boss" he says and I take out my gun.
"Let's go" I say and get out of my car. I slowly walk over to the front door with police officers following me. I knock on the door and wait a moment. When there was no reply I kick the door down and we all go inside.

We start to search the rooms but everything was clear. Shit. I say to myself and put my gun down when I hear a gun shot go off and one of my police officers fall to the ground. The intruder makes a run for it but I quickly chase after them and tackle them to the ground on the grass.
"I've got you now John!" I shout and point my gun at his head. He looks up at me and shakes his head.
"Drop your weapon" he does what I say and I kick the gun far away.

I put my gun into its holder and I flip him onto his back and grab his arms.
"You are under arrest for helping in the murder of Dixie D'amelio" I say and handcuff him.
"Fuck you" he spits out and I smirk.
"Right back at you" I say and stand up. Some other cops come and grab him and pick him up off the ground. I look inside and see one of my cops down on the ground. I rush inside and see him gripping his leg as blood spilled out of it.

"Don't worry the ambulance is on the way" I hear another cop say and I put my hand on his shoulder and he smiles at me.
"I'll be fine detective" I nod my head and stand up.
"I want this house cleared for anymore evidence, this case ends now" I say and walk out. I walk back to my car and hop in and follow the cop car that had John in it. We soon arrive at the police station and I get out and grab John before they could lead him away.

"Who killed Dixie?!" I shout at him and he just smirks.
"If you don't tell me I'll beat your ass until you are blue and purple so tell me" he shakes his head.
"Fine if you don't want to tell me then the real killer goes free while you sit in a prison cell dying slowly never to be set free again and for what so that you can protect the person who killed Dixie when they would easily just throw you under the bus" my words make his smirk fall and he stares into my eyes.

"Fine detective but only if I get a lighter sentence" I cross my arms. That's totally not happening.
"Sure" I say and he looks away from me.
"Fine it's-"

Addison POV

"Honey?" My dad says as I play with my fingers.
"It's true all of it" I say and my parents sigh.
"So you were in a romantic relationship with Dixie?" My mom asks and I nod my head.
"I'm sorry I never told you guys sooner but it was really hard for me to admit that she is truly gone and I'll never get to see her again" I say as I wipe away a fallen tear.
"I was in love with her...I still am" I say and I finally look up to see my parents looking at me with pity.

"I'm so sorry sweetie" my dad says and I sniff.
"Hey it's okay" my mom says and comes towards me and wraps me in a hug. I wrap my arms around her and start crying. My dad hugs me too before we all pull apart.
"So your not mad?" I say and they shake their heads.
"Heavens no Addy, no matter who you love we will always support you" I smile and hug them again.
"Thank you" the door bell rings and I break apart from them.

"I'll get it" I say and head towards the door. I open it and there was Mae.
"Mae what are you doing here?" I say and she licks her lips.
"We got him Addy" I raise one eyebrow.
"Got who, what's going on?" I say confused.
"We caught Dixie's killer" my eyes go wide.
"It was Bryce Addison, be admitted it. The case is over" I start crying again and Mae comes and hugs me. I squeeze her tight and sob into her shoulder.

"Thank you, thank you" I say and close my eyes.

. . .

One more chapter left!!!

Did you guys expect it to be Bryce?

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