Chapter 7

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A new lead

"So what the hell happened?" Kevin one of the police officers says. I only know him a little bit. I put the ice pack to my swollen eye and groan at the pain. Julia runs her hand up and down my back. I look over and see Addison hugging her parents.
"Well I saw someone coming out of the bushes and I chased them all the way down the street and they disappeared into the forest and I slipped and hit my face on the floor" I say and Kevin frowns.
"Did you catch any glimpse of this person?" I shake my head.

"No they were in a hoodie and I couldn't see their face" I say and he nods his head. He puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Sorry detective, we'll find out who was behind this" I nod my head and he walks off. I look over at Addison again.
"Want to go check on her?" Julia says and I nod my head.
"Yes" I say and stand up and walk over to Addison. When she sees me coming she stops talking to her parents and comes straight towards me.

She hugs me and I hug her back.
"Are you okay?" She asks and I tighten my grip.
"A little banged up but I'm okay, are you okay?" I say and she sighs.
"I'm okay" she says and I breath in and out. We pull away a moment later.
"So what happened to you?" I ask and Addison runs a hand through her blonde hair.
"Well I was hanging out with Bryce and he was being extremely sweet and we were having a good time. I left his place at about 9 ish and I got in my car and made it down the road when my wheel popped so I pulled over and got out. I went to my boot to get my spare tire when I noticed that it was gone" she says and I frown.

"Which is really weird because I didn't use the spare and my dad always makes sure that we have a spare tire in our car. Anyway I was going to phone my mom to come pick me up when I noticed movement in the bushes and I got scared so I started walking away from my car and then I noticed that it was a person and I panicked and I started running and they were following me and well I came straight to you" I shake my head.

"God okay, we'll check in with Bryce to see if he saw anyone" she nods her head.
"Oh and also did I wake you guys up?" She asks and I look at Julia and then back at her.
"Actually not quite" I say and Addison raises one eyebrow.
"I came into Mae's room not long before you because I felt as if someone was watching me through my window so I got scared and climbed into Mae's bed" Julia says and Addison frowns.
"Wait you felt someone watching you?" Addison asks and Julia nods her head.

I could tell Julia was nervous so I wrapped my arm around her waist and she immediately moved closer into my touch.
"Yeah, through the window it was really freaky and I'd much rather be in the room with a girl who knows how to use a gun" I chuckle and Addison smiles.
"Makes sense" Addison says. In the corner of my eye I see one of the other police officers and I call them over.

"Yes boss?" She says and I put on my detective face.
"I want a police car outside Addison house from now on and I want someone to guard her throughout the day" she nods her head and walks off. I look back at Addison. She gives me a small smile.
"We should of made some guard you from the beginning" I say.
"Addison!" I hear Addison mom shout and we all look at her from across the street standing by her car.

She calls Addison over.
"Thats me" Addison says and I nod my head.
"Alright, call me if anything happens and I mean anything" I say and Addison smiles.
"Thanks Mae, bye guys and thank you" Julia and I both wave at her as she runs across the street and into her moms arms. I look down at Julia and she looks up at me.
"Come on let's patch you up" Julia says and I smile. We walk into our house and I close and lock the door. 

"Take a seat on the couch" she says and I immediately go to the couch and sit down. Julia fiddles in the cupboard for a bit before she finds the medical kit and walks towards me. She takes a seat next to me and crosses her legs. I face her and she gently takes my chin between her fingers and start gently rubbing some disinfectant on my cuts and I hiss in pain.
"Sorry, I shouldn't of let you run after that person" She says and puts some ointment on my minor cuts.

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