Chapter 16

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Jack's POV:
"So, what have you been up to doctor? Where's Martha?"
"Oh, been here and there. Martha is probably home or something, I guess."
"What? She's not travelling with you anymore?"
"No, she said she had to take care of her family, or something."
"I see, so you're travelling alone?"
"You know Cass won't like that."
"I know, and that's why she won't find out. Understood?"
"Yes sir, but you know she can probably figure it out just by looking at you."
"I know, but that doesn't mean you have to go tell her or anything." He said chuckling slightly. He always smiled when he talked about her.
"I won't, I promise. But why don't you want her to know?" I asked.
"Because after what you told me she's happy, and I don't want anything to spoil that." He said and smiled at the thought of his daughter.
"She'll be so happy to see you again." I told him.
"I sure hope so, I've missed her a lot."

Cass' PoV:
"Are these all right?" Owen asked me as he walked over to me with some pretty good looking arrows.
"Yes, they're perfect actually, all they need now are arrowheads." I said and found the arrowheads I had made while waiting for Owen to return.
"When did you make those? And how did you learn that?"
"I made them while you found and sharpened the sticks. And I learned this from the same man who thought me that choke move I did on the weevil the other day." I explained while I finished the arrows.
"There, it's hunting time." I said excitedly.
"Don't tell my father or Jack about this." I begged him.
"About what? That you are crafty?"
"No, that I know how to make weapons and the fact that I'm using it. My father hates weapons."
"All right, I won't tell. On one condition." He said with a smirk.
"And what might that be?" I said seductively.
"This." He said and came closer, and kissed me. I returned the kiss immediately.
"Deal." I said lowly, smiling at him before I handed the arrows to him and turned around with the bow and one arrow already aimed.
"Let the hunt begin."

Owen's pov:
I walked behind Cass and watched as she sneaked, trying to catch a glimpse of the rabbit she saw tracks from. She's so beautiful.
She crouched down and signalized me to stop, and i did.
She aimed the bow and shot, then she stood up and ran to the rabbit she shot.
Cass knelt down beside the creature and took out the arrow from the dead rabbit.
"How did you do that? I mean, you killed it with one shot!" I was amazed by her skills.
"That guy I told you about, Yao-Fey, he taught me everything I know about archery. Plus I used to do archery back on Iceland." She said with a slight smile, probably remembering something from her past. She took out a knife and started removing the organs and blood from the dead rabbit.
When we got back to our camp she told me to find firewood while she removed the fur and feet, and prepared the meat for cooking.
"The fire is ready Cass." I said to her, turning to look at her and I just started laughing.
"What are you laughing at?"
"You look like a crazy murderer!" I laughed. She looked down on her self and saw rabbit blood covering her arms, pants and shirt. And she started laughing as well.
"How on earth am I gonna explain this when we get back?" She said through fits of laughter.
''We'll figure something out, I promise.'' I said, laughing just as much as her. She brought the rabbit meat over and we started cooking it.

"That tasted amazing Cass!"
"Thanks." She said with a slight blush growing on her cheeks, and I couldn't help but stare at her.
"What are you staring at? Do I have something in my teeth?" She asked and tried to pick her teeth.
"No, it's just... You're very beautiful." I felt my face heat up, she looked at me her face blushing as well.
"Thank you, and you are very handsome." She stood up and sat down next to me. I leaned closer so our noses were touching, and she pressed her lips on mine. We talked for quite some time before we cleaned up and put the leftovers in our tent, then we hit the hay.

Jack's pov:
"You ready to go?" I asked the Doctor as he said goodbye tho the people we had helped.
"Yeah, let's go." He said and led me to the TARDIS.

AN/:  Hi, I'm so sorry for the long wait and the short chapter, but I'm dealing with some difficult personal things at the moment so I'm probably not gonna be able to write much the upcoming time. I'm so sorry but I need to take care of myself first, I'll try to write when I can and post when the chapters are ready. I just don't know how long it will take.
Thanks for reading❤️

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