Chapter 17

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Short author's note before we start. I've had a though time recently, my grandfather got cancer about a year ago and everything seemed to go his way. But during Christmas the doctors told us there was no hope, he died just after new year. I lost all motivation to write. Luckily I have friends and family to lean on.
All the comments you write and all the boats and reads have given me a new writing boost. And I just want to thank you all for over 5k reads! It means a lot, keep being amazing, and thank you ^^
Now let's get to the chapter.

Cass' pov:
"RUN!" My mother yelled urging me forward and away from the battle.
"Where?" I yelled panic lacing my voice, we had been separated from dad and where running for our lives. There were explosions all around us and mom grabbed my hand and dragged me along with her. She dragged me down a path towards a TARDIS, we were almost safe. And then it happened.
"EXTERMINATE!" The robotic voice of a Dalek said and my mother fell, dragging me with her. I looked at my lifeless mother beside me, and waited.
"I'll get out of here, for us. I promise." I whispered to her and kissed her forehead. I pushed up from the ground and sprinted off to the TARDIS and closed the doors behind me.
"Hey, I'm gonna need your help. This is my first time flying alone, so we're gonna have to work together to get out of here. Deal?" I said tho the TARDIS, and it gave a hum in response. I ran over to the consoles and pushed some buttons and pulled some leavers. And I heard the familiar sound of engines.
"I did it mom." I said looking at the ceiling, just as an explosion sounded and the TARDIS shook violently. I managed to land it and get out before the whole thing exploded. I had taken refuge behind a rock.
"Cass!" I looked around, there was no one there.
"Cass wake up!" I looked around confused, wake up, who was this guy?

"Cass, wake up. It's just a dream, you're safe. It's okay, you're safe." Owen said holding me close, I snapped open my eyes and buried myself in his chest and started crying.
"Shh, it's okay, I've got you. Nothing's gonna happen to you, I promise." He said soothingly and stroked my back gently.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I shook my head and looked him in his eyes.
"But can I show you?" I asked him, he looked at me confused.
"It's something my mom taught me, my dad can do it to." I explained.
"Go ahead, I trust you." He smiled at me and I placed my fingers on his temples and showed him my dream. When it was over he just stared at me.
"That's how it happened? That's how she..." he trailed off.
"Yeah, I keep on reliving it over and over, thinking: what if there was something I could've done, if only I'd ran faster."
"The day I met Jack, I had just buried my fiancé. She dried of cancer. And I kept blaming myself, I kept telling myself that I should've noticed it sooner. But now I've come to terms with it, and so should you. It wasn't your fault she died, it's that pepper gun's fault." I chuckled at his nickname for the Daleks.
"There's that beautiful smile of yours. Come on, let's eat some breakfast." He said and put on a shirt. The last three days had gone by too fast, Owen and I were closer than ever, but soon it was time to go back. We had a job to do, Earth needs us to do our job.
I walked out of the tent and sat down next to Owen and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I've enjoyed these days with you, I don't want to go back yet. But we have a job to do so."
"I know, but I was thinking." He trailed off, I looked at him curiously.
"What if you moved in with me, at my apartment? I know you don't want them to find out about us and all that, but I have that extra room and I bet it's better than sharing with Jack. At least I hope it is." He started rambling, he's so cute when he rambles.
"On one condition." I said with a serious face.
"We tell them I'm moving into your guest bedroom, but I get to sleep in your bed." I have a sweet smile.
"You sure you want to share with me?"
"I've gotten used to it, besides, you're warm. And I like waking up next to you." I was grinning like an idiot now, and so was Owen.
"That can be arranged." He said and leaned in to kiss me again.

After breakfast we broke down our camp and started the long walk back to the place we were dropped off.
"I can't wait to take a shower."
"Well, that swim we had in the lake last night was pretty nice tho." Owen winked at me.
"Yes it was." I winked back and swayed my hips a little extra walking in front of him. I spotted the road and saw Gwen already there.
"Hey! You're alive!" She yelled and came out of the car to hug me.
"No thanks to him." I joked and gave him a playful wink.
"Let's just get back so miss Harkness here can have her shower." He joked back and we started laughing, Gwen just stood there confused.
"Let's go!" I yelled and jumped in the front.
"I'll drop you off at Owen's place, clean up and dress up. Jack wants to take us out to dinner tonight."
"He didn't say."
"Ugh, fine."
The rest of the ride was spent in silence, although I'm pretty sure I fell asleep some time before we got back.

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