Chapter 14

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I'm so so sorry for the long wait, I've had major writers block on this story. But hopefully I can post a chapter now and then on this and one other story. Thank you soo much for being this patient, I love you all ^.^

Owen's POV:
I got up at 5.30, took a shower and got dressed. As I waited for Cass to wake up, I started on breakfast. At 6.00 I started to hear life signs from her room, and just after she walked out in a pj.
"Do I have time to shower?" She asked in a very tired voice.
"Yes, go ahead. There are towels under the sink." I smiled at her, and she half smiled back.
"Thanks." She walked into the bathroom, and I heard the shower starting.
By the time I was finished making breakfast for the two of us, Cass came in to the living room.
"What's for breakfast?"
"Egg, bacon and toast."
"Sounds good." She said with a smile on her face, and started eating.
"We have to leave in ten." I told her.
"Okay, have you a called for a cab yet?"
"No, we're not gonna take a cab today." I smiled at her, and she just looked back with a confused look.
After breakfast we cleaned up and got ready to go.
We walked down the stairs and I led her to the garage, and to my car.
"Here's my car." I said and pointed to a dark blue BMW.
"You have a car?" She looked at me in disbelief.
"But you always come in a cab."
"I've just had a period of time when I take a cab. And I don't always come in a cab, you've just never seen my car." I grinned at her and she smiled back before getting into the passenger seat. I got into the drivers seat and started the car.
"Let's go to work." She grinned at me and nodded.
"Yeah, lets." The drive over to the Hub was quiet, and when I stopped at the parking lot I looked at her. She had fallen asleep, she looked so peaceful and beautiful while sleeping. I shook her gently.
"Hey Cass, were here. Time to wake up." I said gently.
"Hmmm." She murmured and I shook her some more.
"We have reached work, come on. I don't want us to be late." I tried again, this time with a little more response.
"Fine, I'm up." She murmured and stepped out of the car, I got out to and locked it. We then walked to the entrance, when we reached it I opened the door for her.
"Thank you." She smiled and I smiled back.
"Morning Cass, morning Owen." Ianto said and pushed the button.
"Morning Ianto." We said in unison, Ianto smiled at us and chuckled.
We walked in silence into the Hub.
"Owen, Cass! There's a body for you two in your lab." Jack called from his office.
"Fine!" I shouted back and walked down to my lab, put on my lab coat and gave one to Cass.
"Here you go Cass."
"Okay, so what is the first thing you do?"
"I... wash my hands and put on gloves." She said.
"Correct! Well done."

Cass' POV:
We dissected the body, and Owen kept asking me questions. I answered correctly on some of them, but I have a lot to learn.
"Pizza!" Jack called, and looked down on us from the top of the stairs.
"We just need to close this guy up." Owen called back, and I started giggling at Jack's face.
"I'm never gonna understand how you can eat after doing that." He muttered to himself, but both Owen and I heard him. Owen let me try to stitch up the guy, but I'm pretty sure he has to re stitch him.
"That's not bad for your first time." Owen said and held me close, everyone else was in our dining/meeting room so we didn't need to hide. I leaned in closer so our foreheads touched, then Owen made the move and pushed closer. Our lips touched and moved in perfect sync, when we pulled apart we looked into each others eyes.
"We should probably go to the others, before they send someone getting us." I said.
"Yeah, you're probably right." He replied and kissed me again, when he pulled away, I smiled at him and grabbed his hand. I dragged him up the stairs and over to the meeting room. I let go of his hand and opened the door.
"What took you so long?" Jack said with a smile.
"I let Cass here try to sow him back together, and she did a great job."
"Thanks Owen." I smiled and walked over to my seat next to Jack, and Owen took his seat next to me. When we had eaten for a while, jack stood up.
"I've decided that we should divide into teams of two and two, and train our survival instincts. The teams will be: Gwen and Tosh, me and Ianto and Cass and Owen. Anyone have anything against their teammate?" All of us shook our heads, and he continued.
"The first team to do the  exercise is Cass and Owen. You will be given one bag of equipment and be driven out in the woods. There you will survive on your own with nothing except for what you have been given. The exercise will last four days. Go get ready and we will pack your bags." Owen and I nodded and walked out.

Jack's PoV:
"Good, now we have four days before they are to be picked up. Everyone know what to do?" I said to the remaining teams.
"Yes, I will call the foster mother." Tosh said.
"I will drive them out, and pick them up. And pick up the foster mother." Gwen said.
"And I will fix the party." Said Ianto.
"While I try to get a hold of her dad." I said and we all went to our tasks. I went to find Cass.
"I'm sorry, but you can't have the time vortex manipulator in this exercise." She nodded and looked at me dead seriously.
"Look after it, and DON'T loose it." She told me sternly.
"I won't, I promise. Good luck out there, both of you." I said and walked into my office.

Cass's PoV:
We were sitting in the car on our way to the exercise spot, Gwen were driving us. After what seemed like hours, she stopped the car and we got out. We took out our bag and she got into the car again.
"Good luck guys, see you in four days."
She said and drove of.
"I don't know anything about camping." Owen said and I smiled.
"Don't worry, we used to go camping like this all the time back on Gallifrey. We used to take a TARDIS out to different planets and camp there. So this should be a walk in the park." I said with confidence.
"Well, at least one of us knows what to do." He laughed and picked up the bag and tent.
"I carry the equipment, and you pick a nice camping spot."
"Okay, lets go." I said and we started walking.
We walked till I found a nice spot.
"Here. This is perfect, trees all around and a fresh water stream."
"Let get up a shelter for the night." We started putting up the tent, and it only took a few minutes. We then opened the bag and found some food and four water bottles, two blankets and a walkie-talkie for emergencies. This was gonna be easy.

I want to thank my amazing friend for supporting me and keeping me motivated to write. CactusRebutia I love you very much. And you're an amazing friend💚💚

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