Chapter 5

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"Normal talking"


"All Might talking"



An alarm clock blared inside a bedroom when someone's hand smashed into it, breaking it. That someone is Katsuki Bakugo.

"Fucking die you piece of shit!!!"

"Katsuki shut the fuck up its too early in the fucking morning!!"

He gets up from his bed and sighed as he sees the broken alarm clock.

"That's the 6th time this month." Masaru said while standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

"Go get ready for your first day."

"Yeah yeah I know."

He is now wearing his UA uniform with no tie and baggy pants. He takes the train and scrolled through his phone while waiting to stop. While looking through his phone, it shows that some criminals began to disappear from their own cells and asylums. There is a list of people and he saw the one who shot Izuku was included.

'No fucking way' Katsuki said in his mind and began to plan what will he do when he saw that motherfucking villain.

The train stops and he began to walk again. He enters the UA and proceeds to find Class 1-A. He stared at the huge door written with his class. He storms into the room with eyebrows furrowed and a frown on his face, making the other students feel intimidated with the blonde haired boy. He sits and puts his leg on top of his desk. This disturbed our future class president, Tenya Iida.

"Put your feet down! You're disrespecting the past students who sit in there and the school property!!"

"Tch. Why don't you fucking pull out that stick up in your ass you four eyes!"

"*gasps* How violating! You can't be like that in here!"

"Then fuck off four eyes!" Katsuki slowly becomes irritated.

"Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from Somei Academy."

"So a damn elite huh. I have fun crushing you." Katsuki smiles maliciously.

The two continue to bicker each other while their classmates sweatdropped, watching the two. A brunette enters the room and saw Katsuki.


The two stopped and look at our bubbly girl, Ochaco Uraraka.

"You're that guy who destroyed the zero pointer right? Thanks for saving me there."

Whispers were heard after she said that.

"No problem I guess." Katsuki said nonchantly.

"Wait your that guy?! Wow your so manly!!" A red haired boy said while grinning, showing his sharp teeth.

Katsuki scans the room and recognized others that he saved. Before they can talk...

"If you're here to make friends, pack up your stuff and go." A voice said by the doorway.

They all slowly look in that way and saw a yellow caterpillar.

'What the hell is that' Majority of the class thinks. Then they saw a face in the yellow blob.

'What the-?!'

The man sips in a juice box and zips his sleeping bag, coming out of his cocoon.

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