Chapter 9

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"Normal talking"


"All Might talking"



He's in a dark void, walking around searching for an exit. Last thing he only remembered was passing out in front of All Might. He knows he is inside in his own mind but he doesn't know how he will get out of here. Like its been days since he came here and its starts to infuriate him so much that he wanted to yell at himself for being so weak.




Uhh sorry about that hehe. Now back to the story. Where was I again? Oh right, he then saw a light really far away from him. He begin to run to it. As he got closer, he can hear incoherent voices. Katsuki is engulfed with the light. He slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the brightness. He saw Yagi and Recovery girl with the blond hero also laying down in bed just like him and the old lady scolding Toshinori.

"How many times I've already told you not to exceed your 3-hour form!! I don't know what I'm doing with you if you continue doing that and be reckless Toshinori! Not everyone needs your saving! Now look at you! It receeded into 2 hours now! You're too stubborn! I'm really di-!"

Recovery girl continued with All Might just listening. Luckily, he was saved by Katsuki who groaned when he sat up from his bed.

"Young Bakugo! How are you feeling?"

"... Fucking peachy."

"You still need to lay down Bakugo. I haven't healed you fully with my quirk because of your low stamina. You need to regain your energy and rest for now. Here," she gives him some gummies. "this will help you."

Katsuki eats it and feel his body more awake. Recovery girl then kissed him on his forehead. He felt sleepy again but he manage to stay awake. The healer goes out, leaving the 2 blondies in the room.

"How are the others?" Katsuki asked.

"Some of your classmates only receive minor injuries but Aizawa and Thirteen are still in recovery."

"... Is he captured?"

Yagi knew he was talking about the villain. "I hate to say this but no. He escaped while he was being sent to the prison. I'm sorry about that."

"God fucking damnit." Katsuki muttered under his breath. "The old lady said that your fucking limit is up to 2 hours. Is it true?"


Before Katsuki can talk, someone else also entered the room. Its detective Tsukauchi.

"Hello Toshinori. You must be Katsuki Bakugo."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"His name is Naomasa Tsukauchi. He is a detective and a friend of mine." Yagi told Katsuki. He looks back to the detective. "So what brings you here Naomasa?"

"I need some information regards to the escaped refugee. He's really been a problem for us before the incident. Now he is on the loose, it will be hard to capture him again. Can I have a permission, Bakugo?" Tsukauchi told them.

"Whatever just get over it."

"Alright. Do you know his real name? We can only get from him was Kyanseru no Akuma."

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