Author's Note

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Hello my fellow readers!! As you can see this is not a chapter, sorry if I disappoint you. I'm having an announcement.

I can't really update that much often since I'm already having problems with school. I'm getting worried and scared right now for  us because there are some people who are positive with the NCOV virus in my country. There are not enough face masks for us.

I'm not saying this to pity me, alright? I just want to warn you about my condition in here and also in me updating this story.

I really really don't want to disappoint you guys. So I might post a new chapter some time later but I can't promise you that.

Anyways, thank you guys for supporting this story. Sorry for wasting your time. I hope you have a good day. Love you guys all! Peace!!✌💥💛💚💥✌

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