Chapter 12

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"Normal talking"


"All Might talking"



Its a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing. Flowers are blooming. On days like these kids like you...

Should be burning in he-

Ah shit wrong fandom-

Katsuki: Get back on track you damn author.

Yeah yeah I know. You're just pumped up to train for the sports festival.

Katsuki: Shut the fuck up and stop including our talks in the story.

Never!! Just because Dabi have stolen Izu's attention from you doesn't mean you have to be so freaking bitter.


Sometimes I hate myself for opening my mouth.


Is this even working? Oh fudge sticks- uh hi! This is the author's  brother. I have to take her narrating job since she uhh let's just say she have a bad time-

Katsuki: You better be taking this seriously or you'll end up like your stupid sister.

R-Right! Uh well back to the s-story... 'How can you handle this crap, sis?!'

UA has given the students 2 weeks to train and prepare for the festival. Since this is a chance for them to be chosen by pro-heroes for their agencies, they'll spend their time working or improving on their quirk. One of them is Katsuki Bakugo, who is really taking this seriously and was very busy.

"Is that all what you've got brat?! You'll not even gonna get past the first round with only that!!"

"Not gonna fucking happen!!" Katsuki yelled furiously at the male standing few meters from him.

They are at the Dagobah Municipal Beach, really you can't even call it that with all the garbage dumped in here by some careless people. He's training with Dabi, which makes it more fun since he wanted to know his limit while fighting in one-on-one battle. You may think why can't they instead pick a better place for training? You see they don't want to get any trouble with civilians who can walk by and misunderstand it with a villain attacking a teen. Why? Because Dabi's look was not reassuring with some people and they will not take the risk thank you very much. Luckily, they found a clearing in the dump while looking for a place far from people. The beach is a 15 minute walk from the house so that should be fine.

Adrenaline rushed through his veins, sweat dripping from his hands as he glared at Touya. They've been sparring for half an hour, looks like neither was giving up to prove who is the strongest of them. Katsuki wants to win the Sports Festival because he wants to show off to Izu-

*glaring intensifies*

Nevermind!!! -sweating buckets nervously-

All students from different courses are included just like what Aizawa said. He'll not underestimate them even if they're not from the hero course. You may never know what is hiding under their sleeves. While that is one of the reasons why he's training hard, he knows that his classmates were just the same. He admit they're strong especially Todoroki. Dabi told him that Shoto actually can use fire. He wondered, then why he didn't use it at the USJ?

"Well I'm not exactly sure. Me, Fuyumi and Natsuo weren't allowed to see him. Father is- how do you say this? He wants to pass All Might. He will do anything just to achieve his goal. Even going far with using his own children. When my quirk showed up, he forced me to train every fucking day. That didn't go with Fuyumi and Natsuo. 'They're weak. I'm not gonna waste time on such dissapointing brats.' I once heard him said that. When he found out I got Mom's fragileness, he forced me to endure all the pain. Then Shoto's quirk showed up, a mix of Mom and his quirk. He just straight up go for Shoto. I tried to protect my brother but I wasn't strong enough. He experience what I have been through and I can't stop it. That bastard still trains me, in hopes that I'll be like Shoto, while me hoping that I'll become much stronger so I can protect the others. He uses his own damn fire on me and I can't handle it anymore. With me always overusing my quirk, I end up like this and he gave up on me." He took a breath and then continued. "I can only just sit there, hearing Shoto screaming in pain and him yelling, while us siblings were hopeless and Mom was on the verge of snapping. Then came the incident where she end up in the hospital. That was the last fucking straw. I ran away. I tried to take the others but they insisted to stay, believing that bastard can change somehow. Shoto didn't know it. I felt bad leaving them."

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