Chapter 10

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"Normal talking"


"All Might talking"



Katsuki just came out from a grocery store, carrying the things he bought. He's just chilling in his room earlier when Mitsuki yelled at him to buy some things for her. He muttered his colorful language as he walks making some bystanders that heard avoided him. On the way, an iron-like smell with a bit of the smell of burning have definitely made his face scrunched. He's in front of an almost dark alleyway. He took no notice of it and before he can continue to walk, a cough echoed around the walls, making him stop in his place. He narrowed his eyes as he stared at that direction until he caught a glimpse of a figure leaning against the wall.

'What the fuck?' He thought hesitating for a bit to approach the figure. Another cough followed by a wheeze came from the stranger that make Katsuki throw away his hesitations and makes his way to the figure, letting go his groceries. Once he is near, he can see the stranger clearly. The man have red hair with what seems like black splotches of dye, skin covered with what looks like staples, wearing a black top with basketball shorts and barefooted. He seems half concious and his scars are sligthly bleeding. Katsuki puts the man's arm around his shoulder, stands up then begins to walk out the alleyway.

"Who the hell are you?" The man said glaring at Katsuki like he is the one who made him like that.

"Not fucking important. What the fuck happen to you?"

"None of your business."

Katsuki became irritated.

"I'm trying to help you bitch. I'm gonna leave you here to rot if you won't fucking answer me."

"No one told you to help me either fucker."

"Why you-!" Katsuki yelled then  sighed. "Fine. Just shut the fuck up and let me help you."

"How could I trust you?"

"Fucking sleep goddamnit."


"Why the hell you didn't take him to the motherfucking hospital instead?!"

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?! Let him bled out until we got to that damn building?!"



"Please calm down you two." Masaru said nervously.

'What did I get myself into?' Touya thought dumbfounded as he watched the two blondes yelling at each other and the brunette trying to calm their asses down.

Katsuki brought him to their house since the hospital is far away. The areas that bled earlier are covered now with bandages, the blood seeping through.

He's just minding his own business when some shitty muggers ambushed him. Since there are 5 of them that are so good at dodging, it took a long time defeating them but some manage to hit him pretty badly. The worse came when he felt his skin burn with his own fire. He overused his quirk again. The pain became unbearable and he sat, with his back on the wall. He doesn't have any supplies to treat himself and he doesn't want to go to a hospital. He stayed like that for almost an hour when Katsuki came.

"Be thankful I manage to save your ass." Katsuki said to Touya.


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