Chapter 8

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"Normal talking"


"All Might talking"



Chaotic. That's what Katsuki can describe about his surroundings. He doesn't know where he is or how he got there. He woke up just to see this destruction. He was met with a dark sky, burning skyscrapers, dead people in front of their own houses, and heroes frantically moving around. Katsuki walked, feeling despair and anger rise as he saw more people with every body becoming more and more unrecognizable courteousy of how they got killed. What stop him in his tracks are three bodies. He froze in his place. He saw his parents and Auntie Inko, lying in their own blood, with multiple holes around their body. He run and run until he reach them, cradling each of them.

"Is this some kind of joke? Th-They can't be dead! R-Right? Fuck. Wake up. WAKE THE FUCK UP!! I FUCKING SWEAR!" His mumbles turned into shouts as he cried, shaking there bodies. He can't accept this. 'No they are not dead.'  He thought. 'This is just a fucking nightmare. I will wake up to get ready for damn school, with the old hag yelling at me and the old man trying to calm her down, with Auntie waiting for me at the hospital with Iz- wait where the fucking hell is he?!?!' His thoughts change from reassuring him to making him panic as he didn't saw Deku. He stood up and ran, searching for Izuku, hoping he is not killed.

He goes to the hospital, dash to Izuku's room, and opened the door. But what he saw scared and angered him to the core.

Standing there in the room is Izuku, but he was being held at gunpoint by the villain who shot him. The villain turned to him. Izuku was crying in fear and desperation.

"Hm? Oh we have a visitor. How sweet." The villain said smiling, making Katsuki want to puke. "I hope you don't mind holding your friend. Such an innocent face.  I can use him don't you think?"

"Get the hell away from him you fucker." He said walking closer to them. He tried to use his explosions but shock came over him as they don't appear.

"Can't use that quirk of yours? Pathetic. You think you can always save him. How naive can you get. Such an imbecile. Well guess what?" He suddenly pull the trigger. With Izuku saying his last words.

"I-I'm sorry K-Kacchan." He fell to  the ground. The villain throw Izuku at Katsuki making them stumble into the ground. Katsuki can only cry after what he witnessed.

"You can't." The villain points his gun at Katsuki.

'No... why did this happen? WHY?!?!? I'm sorry Izu...' Katsuki cried. Then a bang was heard.

He woke up with a gasp, sweat and tears running down his face. He looked around. He let a sigh of relief when he saw he was in his room. He look at his clock to see that it is still midnight. He goes to the bathroom and washed his face. He looks at his own reflection.

'It was just a nightmare. Another fucking nightmare. Thank fuck.' He thought going back to his room. He lays in his bed, trying to sleep. He twist on his bed, trying to become comfortable with himself until he gave up.

He rarely even get nightmares after Izuku woke up from his coma. He often dreamed about Izuku only being a hostage by that fucking villain. Now he doesn't know what to think. This nightmare is different. Hell even his parents and aunt were dead in there. Also Izuku. He's friend wasn't killed in his earlier nightmares. Only being held by that villain. But why is this different? He contemplates it and didn't even realized he was thinking for a long time until he checked. He can't sleep. He stayed lying there until it is time to get ready.

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