Chapter 1: Hell

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Y/n POV:

"Y/n!! Clean this up! You brat!" Then a caretaker pulled my hair at the mess. My face is now trash. I kept on holding my tears all this time since I stepped into this Hell.

Btw, before continuing the story lemme introduce myself first. I'm Kim Y/n a 20 year old girl who had been left by her parents at a Hell orphanage. My parents? Hmm..all I know is that My mother died when she gave birth to me, my Father is a CEO of a entertainment while my older sister is an idol. That's all I know. Okay back to the story.

I cleaned all the mess after i've been beaten. Then, the tears I'm holding back flowed down to my cheeks.

'Why? Why did I deserve this?! I just want a peaceful life! Waeyo?' I thought crying. I'm really lonely when Momo and Sana unnie left. About them, They're idols they visit children in the orphanage giving us food, clothes etc. They're really nice. Well, I'm much closer to them.

Of course the caretakers should ACT nice. Plastics.

After cleaning the mess, I hoped to my bed and thought...

'When will I get out of here?! Why did even they left me?!' I said and drifted of to sleep


"WAKEUP SLEEPYHEADS WE HAVE VISITORS!" They said banging our doors. Ugh! I hate when they do that. We rushed outside still sleepy. Btw, its 4 in the morning.
"NOW CLEAN YOURSELVES UP AND EAT BREAKFAST THEN DO YOUR FREAKING WORK! AFTER THAT WE HAVE VISITORS!" We all rushed to the bathroom. The bathroom is separated boys to girls.


We are done washing and eating, now...Work! Work!
Our work here is to build stuff toys my work is stuffing it up. I don't know why the caretaker wouldn't take her eyes of me. But, she is hell scary! I shrugged it off and continued stuffing.

A minute later.. I heard a slam on the desk. I saw it was from Somi's table.
"Why can't you do it properly?!?! Do you want a slap?!" Somi shakes her head. The lady smirks. No..
"Hands up.." the lady said holding her stick in the air. Somi obeyes and hesitantly put her hands front. But before...


The doorbell rang.
"Safe huh?" The lady said frowning. Then she look at the hole and saw-- What?! The Myoui Family?!?!

"Welcome! What do you need?" The lady said smiling FAKELY. We all cringed.
"We want to adopt" the tall man said.
"Choose" the lady said taking a step backward for a better view for us... suddenly..

"Her!" Then a beautiful girl with moles on her face pointed at me. She is really beautif-what?!
"What is her details?" The man said.
"Kim Y/n,20 years old, birthday: March 24,1999"
"What?! She is the same birthday with me!" The beautiful girl said.
"Fine will take her.." then they grabbed me. But I stopped and said to them.
" my friends inside! They're being abused! My friend Somi she almost got slap! Please save them!" I said bowing 90°
They rushed and the next thing is all black...

I woked up and saw a white light. I turned my head to the side and saw her..The girl she is using her cellphone. Suddenly, she caught me staring she immediately put down her phone and went to my side bombarding me with questions.

"I'm Myoui Mina btw, your aunt"

I fell inlove with my Aunt(Completed!) ✔Where stories live. Discover now