Chapter 8: Talk

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Y/n POV:

After Dahyun unnie exited the room, I saw the door being opened again and saw...

Mina unnie....

'Tsk..what a bad timing..' I thought and was about to leave she spoke.

"Don't even think about it.." she said while walking to me.
"What do you want unnie?" I said as coldly as I get.
"You've been avoiding me. Whats wrong?" She said the softest voice I've heard. Shit...
"Oh I'll tell you what's wro--" I suddenly stopped at my sentence when a sentence popped to my head.

Am I...jealous?

I froze. No, no, thats not true! This is bad! She looked at me worried.
"I-I'm fine unnie....Its just! I'm shocked... that Dahyun unnie is my older twin sister.." I'm half lying tho. She just looked at me suspiciously, I smiled at her. Then we went to Twice's studio.

Sorry for the short chapter! I really can't think of anything next. Btw, I'm planning on a book 2 of my namo book. So wait!

I'm really sorry for the short chapter! I promise next time its longer!

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