Chapter 4: Revealed?

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Mina POV:

"You know she seems familiar.." y/n said making me nervous. I just chuckled nervously and we proceed on touring.

"Y/n..I didn't know you can play instruments and you can sing!" I said.
"Yeah..well, unnie taught me on how to play the piano. But, it was a long time ago. I can't even remember her face." Y/n said. Looking down.
"Hey..don't be sad! Come on cheer up!" I said dancing to our choreo. Then I smiled which made her to look away.


Hmm..should we go to the dorm? I should call pd nim first.

"Uhh y/n? I'll be out for a sec okay?" I said. She nodded and went inside to a studio again. Wait! That's Momo's studio! Meh, she can dance there whenever she wants.

After seconds, pd nim picked up.
"Uhh Annyeoseyo pd nim, can I bring y/n to our dorm?" I said.
"Sure..I was just about to tell you that.." Jyp nim said chuckling. I was about to hang up when...

"Wait! But..Mina can I tell you something? Please keep it a secret..this is important.." he said seriously. I just said a faint 'okay' then what he told me made me shocked.

Timeskip at the girls dorm...

Me and y/n proceed to our dorm and I knocked to our door revealing Jihyomas!!

"Ohh hey Minari! Is this your niece?" I nodded. Then she smiled to y/n.
"Hi! I'm Park jihyo known as the Twice's leader!" She said waving.
"I know you guys! I'm  a once!! And btw, I'm Kim y/n.." y/n said.
"Ohh you have the same surname with dubu! And you both have a tofu skin!!" I became nervous of what jihyo is gonna say but gladly, she didn't say anything else.

We went inside and saw all of them at the sofa watching a movie. When they noticed our presence...

"MINARIIII!!!" The saud in unison. Then all of them are confused except Dahyun. Who is this person beside me. Y/n became shy and hid in my back.
"Uhh..guys? This is Kim y/n my niece..Actually dubu met us." I said. Then Y/n came out shyly. And greeted them.
"Uhh hello I'm Kim Y/n and I'm a once!!" She said cheerfully. They all cheered knowing y/n is a fan.

I went to the kitchen to drink some water while they are still watching what is it again? La la land? Oh yeah. While pouring water to my glass, I saw Dahyun walking to me.
"Unnie..Does y-" she was cutted off by the others calling us...

"Guys! Truth or Dare!!!" Jeongyeon said. We all circled around the bottle.

Jeongyeon spinned the bottle and it land on Y/n...

"Truth or dare?"  Jeongyeon said smirking.
"Hmm..Truth?" Y/n said hesitantly.
"Do you.. like someone?" She said smirking. Ugh!
"Hmm..I'm not sure if I like her but I think i like her." Then Dahyun smiled knowing her sister is having a crush.

Y/n spins the bottle and it land on me. Wow.. great.
"Hmm..Uhh..guys? You should.." y/n said. Well, she doesn't know anything about me yet. So its Nayeon unnie.
"Mina..Truth or dare?" Hmm..I guess dare?
"Dare?" I said hesitantly.
"Hmm.." then they whisper to each other which made me nervous...
"Since we don't know about you yet. Whisper to all of us your biggets secret except y/n" Nayeon said.

What the fuck should i do?!?!

Looks like i can't get out of here. I whispered them one by one...

I got a crush on...Y/n..

Once i told that to Dahyun she was shocked. Then smiled. Then the rest of them smirked while y/n is confused. We continued playing. But, the most iconic was...

"Dahyun truth or dare?" Dahyun became nervous but breathed heavily then answered bravily..


What do you think pd nim said to Mina? And what will Dahyun say to her truth and dare? Will the secret will be unleashed? Stay tuned!

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