Chapter 13:"Who are you?"

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I don't know if this kinda resembles to my other book. The ( Crush im nayeon ff) ? Well special mention again to _TzuYoda_ for writing this! Welp, hope you guys will enjoy this!!    -Authornim

Mina POV:

After news of y/n at a hit and run accident, me and the others went to the hospital immediately. I even saw Pd nim there with a sad look. Then Jihyo unnie asked the counter what room she is. They just said that she is in room 179. We all rushed there and saw a doctor with pd nim. Pd nim saw us and exits but before that he spoke to me while patting my shoulder.

"Mina....Go get her....even if she will not.. nevermind.." he said then went to the elevator with a sad look. I am so confuse and guilty. If I didn't agreed on Vernon. I should have been with y/n! If I didn't acted cold to her, I should be the one to....make her happy and loved.

"Family of Kim Y/n?" I averted my eyes on Dahyun.
"Sister and friends." Dahyun said.
"She is...fine. you can visit her." Then he gestured Jihyo to come and talk privately. I even saw her expression after the doctor told her something. She's sad?

Dahyun came first since she is a sister after all. I was last to go in. I feel my guilt rising up whenever I walk closer to her. I sat beside her and hold her hand. A tear left my eye.

"Y/n? I wish you can hear me. You know, you gave me feelings like. You can make me blush, my stomach flutters and my heart beats fast. Maybe, I love you y/n.... and I feel guilty cause I think if I didn't accepted Vernon's deal. I could have told you this."

After saying those words, Only the machine can be heard. Suddenly I felt something move. I averted my attention to y/n and saw her hand moving.

"Guys! Y/n's hand is moving!!" Then they all rushed to the room. They even kicked the door!
Then I saw y/n with wide eyes showing her black eyes. Basically, all of them *except me* hugged y/n. Suddenly, she noticed my presence and look at me confused. The others look too. But, what she said make my heart broke into million of pieces.

"Who are you?"

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