Chapter 9: Dispatch....

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Y/n POV:

I was at the cafe wearing my mask ang bucket hat. Because fans know me since DISPATCH saw me hanging out with Dahyun unnie. They said that we're dating? Wow...fuck dispatch. Good thing pd nim know about us being twins. And btw, after the news spread I became really popular. Like really famous. Heck, my Instagram followers are 20M. Last time it was just...2k? Yeps, so back to the cafe,

I am drinking my favorite, Americano~~ I tasted it and damn it was so delicious! Then a familiar man and woman entered. They sat and the man stood up and it was.....Vernon?!?! What the hell? And who is that-- then I remembered the one me and Dahyun saw? Yeps,

Mina unnie.....

My blood boiled and my grip at the table is tightened I hid it in my clothes still forming into a fist. Then he came back, they chatted, laughed. Ugh! I can't stand it anymore.... I finished my Americano which is ruined cause of my grip I went to the cashier and paid it. Suddenly, Mina unnie went to the counter to ask for tissues. Then we locked eyes.

"Umm....Do I know you?" She said softly. Arghh!! I shook my head and thanked the cashier then went off...

Mina POV:

She is kinda familiar? Her eyes...and her voice too. Where did I heard it? Its so familiar!

"Mina? Are you alright? You've been spacing out for a while.." Vernon said worriedly. Actually, after his confession. He started courting me. But somehow, I'm really uncomfortable around him. His gaze, touch..its all different when y/n-- wait why did I just mentioned her?!?! Ugh...

Wait....Is she...Y/N?!?!

Then i saw a paparazzi taking a video and a pic. I warned Vernon and he took me home.

Y/n POV:

She didn't notice right? Argh...But, right before I was leaving, I saw a paparazzi taking a video of them? I shrugged it off.

Then I saw Mina unnie going out of HIS car. I saw her kissed him in the cheek?!?! I'm angry.

"Goodnight unnies..I'm not hungry." I said and went to our room.(Dahyun and yours)

Mina POV:

I went home and saw my members at the couch, while Jeongyeon and Jihyo unnie are at the kitchen. We are eating when I noticed that one of us is missing.

"Guys? Where is y/n?" I said putting down my chopsticks.
"She just went to their room and said good night and she is not hungry." Jeongyeon unnie said. I frowned that she is not here to eat with me....


Y/n's POV:

I woked up and opened my phone. I saw a bunch of notifications. But a notif caught my eye,


A fan saw Vernon and Mina from Twice at a Cafe dating. Are they really dating? Or this could be a start of a new couple?

Jyp hasn't announce for this accusation.

I throwed my phone at my bed. I became really angry. So i went out of the room. Frowning. I saw all of them awake. Momo unnie is eating already?!? I approached Dahyun unnie and leaned my head to her shoulder. She flinched.

"Oh y/n-ah you're up!" She said cheerfully. I stopped leaning and stared at her with an emotionless face. I opened the tv and went to channels. But all of them are news about Vernon and Mina unnie which made me to turn it off and sulked. She sighed and patted my head before leaning too.


Mina unnie went to pd nim's office to talk about the news. I sighed again they noticed it.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Sana unnie said hugging me. I smiled and said.
"Its nothing unnie..I'm fine." I said and kissed her forehead which made her red. I giggled and we went to their studio as I watched them dance to their choreo. I wonder what Mina said to pd nim?

Mina POV:

"Pd nim...we are not dating. He is still courting me. But don't say it please!" I said.
"Why?" He said smirking.
I sighed.
"I-its y-y/n I have a little crush on her...pd nim." Then he rose from his seat and jumped up and down. I looked at him curiously before he fixed himself and coughed.
"Okay..I'm gonna say it but I'm not gonna mention y/n.." he said then smiled. I smiled and bowed to him while repeatedly saying thank you.

Hello this is Jyp,

Mina and Vernon are not dating. Mina said she has a specific crush on someone that is close to her.

Please don't spread something that is not still proven.

Thank you this is jyp again.

Shout out to _TzuYoda_ who helped me for this chapter!!!

Thank you very much for your support guys! I really appreciated it! Love youuuu

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