Uncle Rob

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Rick enters the kitchen of his rented Pasadena bungalow as his wife, Courtney, loads food packets into a picnic cooler. "This looks great. We'll have a feast tonight."

"You're home early. I thought you had the 3:00 p.m. lecture."

"They got out early. I guess you could say I sent them out screaming."

"Well, I hope they were screaming with joy," Courtney says.

"You could say they are happy to be alive."

Courtney holds up a piece of mail. "This came today. The lease is up next month, and the rent is increasing."

"They're raising the rent, again? I'm counting on getting that grant. Don't worry. We'll have extra money coming in and Dr. Heinrich won't complain about funding."

"We could use some good news for a change."

"Let's put the worries of this meager planet aside. We have a picnic tonight. Don't we have two kids? Where might they be found?"

"Hiding in their rooms. They do that a lot, nowadays," says Courtney.

Rick sallies down the hallway to the kids' rooms, opens their doors, and announces, "Come out, children. I am here to save you! We are about to explore the outdoors, eat food, view space and the worlds beyond. Escape ye from these cells you call rooms. Go forth and see the world!"

Rick checks the rooms of his twelve-year-old twins. They are both using VUE lens. Ethan, his son, is unmoved as he plays a game, while his daughter Alyssa lies on her bed video messaging with friends. She talks as she touches points in midair interacting with objects in a virtual environment where her friends are meeting. She is oblivious to her father and his antics. "Your outfit is the best, Charnel. It's so cute," Alyssa says.

Rick walks into Alyssa's room. He sneaks up behind her and removes her VUE lens. Alyssa looks up with annoyance at her father. "Hey, I'm with my friends," she says, grabbing for the lens.

"Hello, little girl, it's your father. Look, you might recognize me." Rick says.

Alyssa ignores her father. "I can't wait to see you at the fashion show," Alyssa calls out to the lens, hoping her friends can hear.

"Let's go, Alyssa. We have a family night planned, so move it." Rick walks backward holding out the VUE lens, encouraging his daughter to follow.

Alyssa grabs the lens and puts it on. "Sorry Charnel, I've got to go. Maybe my dad will drive me to the fashion show. I'd love to see you on the catwalk," she says, then removes the VUE with a sneer before walking out of the room to join her mother in the kitchen.

"One down; one to go," Rick says to himself as he walks into Ethan's room. Ethan stands in the middle of his bedroom, wearing his VUE lens and moving his hands in jabbing motions.

Rick stands at Ethan's side and swipes his hand in an upward motion in front of the lens. The wrap around glass of the VUE changes from black to transparent.

"Hey, Dad I can't see," Ethan shouts.

"Looks like you can see me just fine." The sound of a gunshot and a thump come through the VUE's audio. "Oops, you're dead! Sorry kiddo, time to go."

"Oh man, you're gonna get my whole platoon killed."

"Looks like you're good at that game," says Rick.

"I'd be better if we had a glide pad. I can't move the way I'm supposed to without one. Christopher and Allie have a glide pad. If we had one, you could use it too, Dad."

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