Evil boys with their pointy little knives

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Friday Evening

Gymnasium–New Arcadia

Gordon is the only adult who enters Gymnasium. Gymnasium is for the boys. The boys leave Gymnasium for the spa only. A door opens onto a hallway. The hallway leads to the spa. Spa attendants are the only adults other than Gordon to see the boys. There is a second door in Gymnasium that opens to the city. None of the boys have ever seen it open.

The boys know a city full of people is beyond the second door. They aren't allowed to see the city or take part in city activities. The boys' sole purpose in New Arcadia is to serve the colonel. Through their dedicated service, they do their small part in moving the Arcadian principles forward so a new humanity can emerge after the storms.

Gymnasium includes a barracks, galley, communal restroom/shower room and the gym. The barracks are a Spartan three-walled room with twelve beds. Four beds neatly arranged along each wall. The galley has tables, chairs, and four food actualizers to create meals. The various menu pods (Menu pods sounds nicer than pouches full of goop containing proteins, carbohydrates, fat, minerals, vitamins, and chemicals for flavoring and texture) are always full. Gordon's private quarters are between the bathroom and the galley. Gymnasium has no city atmosphere. The colonel doesn't want blood contaminated by the atmosphere that could cloud his mind.

The gym is expansive with a lofty ceiling. Tumbling mats and an indoor jungle gym cover the floor area. Climbing walls and a high catwalk ring the gym with Tarzan swinging ropes, rope ladders, and slides to the floor. The room has plastic blocks and rubber balls large and small scattered around. There are sitting areas with comfy chairs and couches scattered around the room, and a large video screen covers one wall. The boys watch city news, old TV shows, and Arcadian Public Television, which is primarily Arcadian propaganda.

There is no school, few rules, and plenty of food. Play and imagined adventures fill the boys' days. One might view Gymnasium as a modern-day Neverland, a play-filled island surrounded by a utopian city. The only cost is the spa.

Gordon is medium height and overweight. He looks like a college athlete turned coach. His round belly pushes his dark blue tunic out of shape. Gordon might have been good at something once, but those days appear to be over. Gordon spends a good deal of time in his private quarters but sometimes leaves Gymnasium. He makes sure they eat and sleep. He breaks up fights and takes them to the spa. Most of the time, Gordon leaves them alone to play, roughhouse, and watch streams.

Nolan likes to hang out in Gordon's quarters. Gordon doesn't encourage it, but he doesn't kick Nolan out either. The other boys ignore Gordon, thinking it's better to stay off his radar hoping to avoid being selected for the spa.

Something is different this evening, even though Gymnasium is cut off from city activities, the boys can sense the tension in the air.

Owen sits rocking in his corner. The boys hear an alert for brown tunics to report to stations. There are rushing sounds of many footfalls outside, echoing through the second door.

Zekiel sits on a big couch next to Aidan, watching streams. Zekiel's skin is still thin and gray, but he's getting stronger. An Arcadian patriotic video streams. Zekiel has seen the video a hundred times. It bores him. He gets up from the couch to wander around. Gordon leaves Gymnasium through the spa door, probably to see what's happening in the city.

Zekiel observes Owen. He sits cross-legged in his corner, rocking. Once Gordon leaves Gymnasium, Owen does something Zekiel has never seen him do before. He rolls to his side and crawls close to the base of the city door. There is a gap between the bottom of the door and the floor. Owen looks through the gap to see what's happening outside Gymnasium. Zekiel goes to Owen. Owen pulls back the gym mat covering the floor, revealing a larger gap below the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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