Sworn In

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Thursday–Early Morning

White House DUCC (Deep Underground Command Center)

Vice President Cliff Baker and his small team worked through the night. Cabinet members and staff members of the press, a few senators and congressmen straggled in, one by one during the night, making their way through the chaos of the city. It's early morning and people crowd the Command Center. These people know it is their duty to get to the White House during a crisis. Others arrive, believing they can help. Some have come knowing that the underground complex offers protection and refuge.

News reports and damage assessments stream in from a variety of sources through the night. By early morning news helicopters are flying over the enormous crater in south-western Maryland, surveying the damage from Baltimore to Washington, D.C., and beyond.

Cliff Baker's Chief of Staff assistant and his aides are missing or have not arrived. His press secretary, a young brunette woman, presents the vice president with a stack of papers. "Mr. President, here's your speech with the latest revisions. We need to move to the press room. You'll be on in a few minutes."

"Thank you, Sheryl. A little hasty referring to me as Mr. President." The soon-to-be President Baker moves with the young woman. She walks ahead, guiding him to the press room. Cliff breathes deeply. "I'll give the speech a quick review before we start. Has Judge Sanders arrived?"

"Chief Justice Sanders is waiting for us. I don't think I'm being hasty. President Baker sounds nice. It will be official in a few minutes," the young woman says.

The press room is abuzz with activity. The TV crew and reporters make last-minute preparations to cover the news conference. Senator Mitch Campbell, Tug Grimes, and Jerome Hargrove have cleaned up and are all handshakes and smiles.

Cliff Baker greets everyone and takes his position behind a podium with the presidential seal. The podium stands before a blue background, flanked by American flags. He scans the text of his speech, then nods to the press coordinator. She speaks into a wireless ear-mounted microphone. Seconds later, the director signals his crew. One of the crew stands between the camera and the podium holding up his hand with five fingers open then speaks: "We are live in five, four..." He silently finishes the countdown with hand signals until he has a closed fist, then ducks out of the way pointing to Cliff Baker, the next President of the United States.

"Fellow Citizens, the areas of Maryland, northern Virginia, and Washington, D.C., are suffering from the destructive effects of a devastating meteor impact. The damage will surely be in the billions of dollars and deaths in the hundreds of thousands. It is with sincere grief and sadness I must report President Anderson is missing and presumed dead. President Anderson was among many of our nation's leaders and representatives lost in last night's devastation. To maintain the continuity of government of our great nation, the law mandates I be sworn in as acting President of the United States. Chief Justice Sanders will conduct the oath of office."

Cliff Baker steps out from behind the podium. Justice Sanders stands next to Vice President Baker. It's a tradition that the oath of office is taken while placing one's hand on the Bible. In a strange twist, Senator Campbell and Secretary Hargrove stand in front of Justice Sanders holding the US Constitution between them. Cliff Baker puts his hand on the Constitution while reciting the oath.

Cliff Baker repeats after Justice Sanders. "I do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God." The room erupts in applause.

"Dear citizens, I swore the oath to you, the citizens of the United States, holding my hand on the Constitution instead of the Bible. The Constitution is the defining document that enabled the greatest country mankind has ever known to grow and flourish with freedom for all. I swear to preserve and protect a Constitution under siege. A Constitution some would toss away with idle promises of something better. America is not perfect, but for nearly two hundred seventy years it has been the best country the world has ever seen. Together, using this platform that has worked so well, we will work together to make it better. Not by tossing it away, but by building upon the foundation of the Constitution and the great blessings bestowed upon us by our founders. Preserve, protect, and defend. I swear that to you, on my life." The room explodes again in loud applause and cheers.

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