Defending Arcadia

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New Arcadia City Command–Friday Afternoon

I've added extra filters to block network traffic, but they aren't working," says a panicked blue tunic.

Cruikshank looks over Zsoldos' shoulder anxiously as the man types furiously. "What's happening? Can you hold them off?"

"The hackers are attempting to swamp our systems. They've launched botnets to flood our network with malware. Not to worry, I'm on to their juvenile tactics," says Zsoldos.

"They won't stop until they've overrun us. Look what's happened at New Zion and Nod. They will gain control. You might hold them off for a while, but it's only a matter of time."

"I can maintain control of our systems. I designed the system. I know what they did at Nod. I won't let it happen here," Zsoldos states calmly.

Alarms sound. "Topsiders have broken into the buildings. They're crowding into the ground level of all eight buildings," reports a blue tunic.

Cruikshank immediately makes a call. "Mahon! What are you doing up there? Topsiders are entering the buildings. You are failing to defend the city! The Marines are attacking. You must fight. Repel the rebels. Attack!" the colonel screams, slamming his cane on the control room table.

"We've been attacking. Our artillery has decimated the marine positions. What we started the storm will finish," the general replies sharply.

"Decimated! The Air Force destroyed our aircraft and bunkers at New Zion. Your troops taken prisoner by cadets. US Army forces overtaken by children. It's Humiliating. You are failing. You must not allow Marines or topsiders to invade New Arcadia!" screams Colonel Cruikshank.

"Colonel, it is you who has failed. You failed to keep our location secret and have allowed a sea of humanity to flood New Zion, Nod, and the Parklands above New Arcadia. Your negligence set the US Marines upon us. The storm kills thousands every minute. Topsiders will not invade New Arcadia. Most of them lie dead in the field. Not by my hand but by the hand of God. New Arcadia is thirty-five levels down. You needn't worry about a few stragglers inside the buildings."

"Push them out of the buildings. I will not allow those miscreants inside any part of New Arcadia. Defend the city," scolds Colonel Cruikshank.

"Many of my men lie dead on the Parklands. I will not order my men to push the topsiders out. There will be no more death by my hand today." Mahon ends the call. 


Level Three–Army Bunker–New Arcadia

"General. There are still thousands of people in the Parklands. They won't all fit in the ground level of the buildings," reports a staff member.

"There are hundreds more packed in at the ramp to Level 2; they're desperate, Sir. They're trying to pry the doors open," reports another.

Jack Mahon stands stoically viewing the screens filled with wretchedness. 


New Arcadia–City Command

Colonel Cruikshank looks dubiously at Zsoldos working frantically to fight off the hackers and save the city. "Nod's City Command could not regain control of their systems. They're being inundated with topsiders. We cannot risk an invasion of New Arcadia. I won't allow anyone to ruin our plans for humanity!" Cruikshank screams.

"Don't worry, Colonel, we are holding them off. I know all their tricks. The hackers are running out of options. We've turned them back at every attempt," Zsoldos reports confidently.

A blue tunic calls out excitedly. "The ramp doors to level two are opening. They have breached level two!"

Screens in City Command display hundreds of desperate people rushing through the metal doors at the bottom of the ramp.

"Stairwell doors are opening in all the buildings. Hundreds of topsiders are filling the stairwells," reports another blue tunic.

"Zsoldos, they have hacked us! Get control of our systems before they overrun us," shouts Cruikshank.

Zsoldos quickly checks city systems and machine control. "We have not been hacked. City systems remain secure."

"Stairwells are open to level two only," reports the Blue tunic.

"The metal doors leading to level two opened to a height of eight feet then stopped," reports the second blue tunic.

"I confirm. The topsiders are not getting beyond level two. Someone must have done this from inside New Arcadia," reports Zsoldos.

"It's that feeble Mahon. It must be him. He lacks the will to defend New Arcadia. He thinks saving a few thousand people can clear his conscience. Stop him! Cut the Army's systems off from New Arcadia," Cruikshank shouts.

Zsoldos directs several blue tunics calling out orders. "We are disabling the Army's access to city systems."

"Level two is a vast room covering the area below all eight campus buildings. They can get thousands of people in there," reports a blue tunic.

"Close the doors! Close that ramp door. They will have access to our heavy equipment and reintegration supplies," Cruikshank yells.

"We can cut Mahon's access to city systems, but the Level Three bunker retains control of the upper levels," reports the City Commander.

"Zsoldos. You and City Command are very capable. You have done well to hold the hackers at bay, but I've had enough. We cannot rely on computers to protect the future of New Arcadia. Call up every brown tunic. I alone will stop this invasion. No one is entering New Arcadia. I won't let them ruin our future. Round up the browns. I have a job for them," directs the colonel.

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