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Kobalt speaks to his VUE. "City Command, do you have an update on our three renegade murderers?"

"We heard what happened, sir. An ambush? That's awful. The renegade murderers are moving to the east side of the city. Maybe they're planning another attack, sir. There's nothing over there but the remnants of an old military base, built long before the new city."

Kobalt thinks out loud. "What is Munday up to? We will not fall into another trap. I want all Black Guard moving to the old military base. Munday will not survive an overwhelming force no matter what he has planned." He signals his men to move.

Alarms sound in City Command. The room becomes frantic with activity. "Captain Kobalt, the airport is being attacked! They're shooting down our aircraft. They've knocked out our anti-aircraft guns. Damage is severe. Air Force intruders are taking Army personnel prisoner in the airport terminals."

"Is the city still locked down?" asks Kobalt.

"Yes, sir. We have complete control of city systems."

"Good. The Army is General Mahon's problem. Call the colonel and update him. I'm after the murdering renegades."


An advertisement plays on the Tweaknet stream. The halt in game play has Ceylon Junglefoul worried. How many game recaps and sponsor messages can he broadcast? The views are dropping. It seems like hours since the city AI's halted game. Torpedo can say them boys be cracklin' only so many times. The AI blocked access at all the colonies and the AI at New Arcadia has green ants blocking access to building entrances. The game is frustrating.

The advertisement ends, followed by a roar of excitement. Ceylon thinks viewers are cheering because the commercial has ended.

"Them's cheeky bastards, they is," says Torpedo excitedly. It takes Ceylon a few seconds to figure out what's happening.

"Did they do it?" asks Ceylon with excited caution.

"Team Lucid-Gaze has nabbed control of the New Zion Colony. Doors are poppin' open. Ants are streaming into the stairwells. The lifts are liftin.' This game just kicked into high gear!" screams Torpedo.

Ceylon checks his screens. Team Lucid-Gaze appears to have broken the code at New Zion while other teams struggle to crack the codes of other colonies. All the excitement is focused on New Zion, at least for the moment.

"Tens o' thousands of ants are skedaddling for ev'ry colony entrance. It's an ant stampede, it is," cries Torpedo. 


The entire Command Center watches the stream, as the US Air Force attacks Army placements at the Denver airport. The action is swift and decisive. The small fleet of Army aircraft and anti-aircraft emplacements are no match for the ferocity of the Air Force attack.

President Baker watches excitedly. "Congratulations, gentlemen. America prevails. Damn the Arcadians. That was spectacular. Based on what I've seen, we have complete control of the airport. When can we move people into the city?"

The captain conducting the briefing speaks. "You're correct, Mr. President. We have control of the airport and the airspace. Army personnel are being held as prisoners. We've stationed Air Force Academy cadets in the terminals and at other city entrances, ready to assist. However, New Zion is locked down. We have no control of the elevators and stairwell doors remain locked."

"Dammit. Didn't you people plan for this? Blast open the damn stairwell doors if you must. We need people protected in the city," shouts Baker.

Strange sounds come from Jerome Hargrove. People in the Command Center assume he may have some helpful information. Everyone looks to Jerome. He's focused on his VUE.

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