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Friday–New Arcadia

A dozen boys aged nine to thirteen live in Gymnasium. They exercise, fight, play, eat, and sleep in Gymnasium. The only time any of them leaves is for the spa. The selected boy leaves Gymnasium full of youthful energy and returns drained, nearly dead.

The gym attendant carries an anemic boy to a bed and starts the rejuvenation process. He administers intravenous fluids of a mysterious concoction enabling the boy to recover his strength and vitality.

Zekiel has observed the other boys' condition when they return from spa. They never speak of what happens. Maybe they're ashamed or refuse to remember the process that robs them of their youth. Zekiel believed they were drugged.

Other boys when selected walk passively and go silently to face their fate. When the attendant chose Zekiel, he did not go quietly. He fought the gym and spa attendants. He refused the lozenge stuck between his lips. It took the shock of seeing the president's head explode and brain goo splashing his face before Zekiel submitted.

When the process was complete, he was near death. Old, tired blood slogged through his veins, robbing him of strength. He felt hollow. He nearly fell trying to stand yet refused help. He steadied himself and shuffled to the spa door. Only when he was in the hallway and the door closed behind him did he allow the attendants to help him return to Gymnasium.

Zekiel lies in his bed. A needle once again pierces his vein. This needle delivers fluids to nourish his wasted body. There is no easing the torment of his soul. He remembers every horrifying, disgusting moment. He is not ashamed. It hardens him.

When Gordon, the gym attendant, moves away from Zekiel's bedside, the boys rush to check on him. Boys who have not been to spa push close wanting to know everything. Boys who have been through the process stand back warily waiting to hear what he will say.

James and Davey are the first at Zekiel's bedside. At nine years old, they are the youngest boys. They've never been to the spa. "Are you OK, Zekiel?" asks James.

"You look sick," says Davey.

"Did it hurt?" asks James.

Nolan pushes to the front of the group and speaks eagerly. "Gordon says you'll be on your feet in no time. Gordon said he's never seen a stronger boy. Gordon said—"

"Gordon, Gordon," Aiden sings the name, interrupting Nolan. "I bet Gordon's real proud. Zekiel made it back alive. Success! Now fix him up and use him again. Gordon should have you spa next."

Nolan steps back sheepishly. He is tall and older than many other boys. At twelve years old it's odd he's never been to spa. Some boys say he's Gordon's favorite, others whisper other reasons Nolan is never chosen. No one really knows why he's passed over for spa.

Zekiel is thirteen making him one of the older boys in Gymnasium. He, James, and Davey are the newest students. The colonel arranged for the Gymnasium to be at full occupancy before the storms began.

Boys destined for Gymnasium were sourced through the State of Virginia's Department of Social Services foster care program. They carefully study potential specimens through a rigorous series of tests and physical examinations. The genetic makeup of the boys must closely match the colonels. Blood types must match and lab tests for viruses, liver function, anti-aging hormones, and genetically screens for over 300 diseases. Students selected for Gymnasium are exceptional examples of the human species.

Aiden crouches at Zekiel's bedside. "You'll feel better in a few hours, but it takes a week to recover. Look at Will. He did spa a few days ago. He's better already." Aiden nods at Will, a thin, eleven-year-old who stands at the end of the bed. Will scrunches his face at Aiden.

Aiden continues. "Or you can drag it out longer, fake it. If you look weak and tired, Gordon won't pick you. Ask Owen. He's been faking for weeks." Aiden points to a shy, quiet boy who stands away from the group. Zekiel laughs weakly but stops laughing once he notices Owen isn't amused. Owen steps back but stays close enough to hear Zekiel's report if he gives one.

Owen is ten. When he arrived at Gymnasium, he was a happy, lively boy full of energy joking and playing with the others. Gymnasium was better than any of his foster homes. When he returned from spa, he spent a full week in bed. The next boy selected for spa, a boy Owen knew from foster care, never returned to Gymnasium. Owen didn't speak for two weeks. Gordon thought Owen was faking and selected him for spa ahead of others.

When Gordon carried Owen back to Gymnasium his limbs hung limp, near death. He languished in bed for weeks. When he recovered, he kept to himself. He rarely speaks and usually sits alone in a corner of the room, hands in his lap as he rocks silently.

"See, you'll be better soon. Aiden knows," James says encouragingly.

"What happened? Why did they make you sick?" asks Davey.

Zekiel doesn't want to answer. He doesn't want to think about spa. Now he understands why the others don't talk about it.

Zekiel pulls Aiden closer. "I'm never going to spa again. We gotta get out of here."

Aiden moves close, lowering his voice. "Are you crazy? You can't say stuff like that. Not to mention it's impossible. The gym is locked tight. Gordon's the only one who can open doors."

"I'll get out. I'll die before I spa again."

"There's no place to go, anyway. Did you forget? Underground city, thirty floors down, asteroid storms outside. Besides, it's our duty to aid the colonel in the service of New Arcadia."

"Screw New Arcadia. I won't help that youth-stealing bastard ever again," vows Zekiel.

Thin Will speaks in his tweeny voice. "He looks old and mean, but he's not so bad. He needs us."

"I know how you feel, Zekiel. I felt the same way. This was your first spa; you'll snap right back. It's not so bad. You get used to it. Just go with it," Aiden says, trying to comfort Zekiel and not scare the younger boys.

"It's awful. You don't know what it was like," Zekiel says, grabbing Aidan's arm.

Aidan laughs. "I've been to spa five times. I know exactly what it's like. You've been once and you're ready to run."

"No. The colonel did spa with President Anderson. They put tubes in the president's head. Then he started jerking. They liquefied his brain, and it squirted out all over the room." Zekiel instinctively wipes his face where the bloody brain goo splashed. Zekiel looks at Aiden and the boys. They're staring at him, waiting for him to continue.

"President Anderson is dead. He died in spa. The colonel sat there smiling. He barely said goodbye, like a dead president is nothing."

"Oh shit," says Aidan.

"Shit," the boys echo.

"People are trying to invade New Arcadia. The colonel said barbarians are at the gate."

"What's that mean?" asks James.

"I'm not sure, but he said the Marines are coming! They want to invade the city. The colonel will fight them!" Zekiel exclaims.

"OK, that's different than my spas. I usually suck on the lozenge and zone out, waiting for it to be over knowing I'll feel like shit for a week."

"If people can get in, maybe we can get out," Zekiel says.

Nolan shakes and coos. "Ooh. Ooh. No. No, Gordon will be mad. You're bad boys."

Aidan stands quickly, grabbing Nolan by the shoulders and shakes him. "Not a word. Not a whisper, understand. Gordon won't be mad if he never knows. If Gordon finds out, I'll make him send you to spa. Who knows, you might not come back."

Nolan shakes with fear. He nods understanding and shrinks away.

Owen leaves the group, sits in his corner,clasps his hands in his lap, and starts rocking.

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