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Wednesday Afternoon–New Arcadia

Rick reluctantly walks into the auditorium. The room is vacant but has seating for at least two hundred people. A large screen hangs above the stage. Rick strolls down the aisle. The lights go dark. The screen lights up. Music with triumphant chords plays. A military coat of arms appears on the screen; a clamshell-shaped object, with the word Homeland above the clamshell, and the word Defense below. Stars border either side of the shell, connecting the top and bottom words.

Jon Anderson, the President of the United States, appears on the screen.

"Welcome, brave volunteers. Our country has faced many challenges. Nuclear weapons destroyed New York and Chicago, and a million souls paid the ultimate price of freedom. Faced with defeat, we fought to protect our homeland, and with great courage we drove the conquering horde from our shores. Our men fought in Europe. We lead a coalition of allies in the creation of New Korea. Our troops fought because we believed victory would create a safer world. But the Four Wars are an inextinguishable inferno sweeping across the world. Stepping back from the flames of war has resulted in a US economy that is recovering. But America is not out of danger. Those who pursue war will use ever more devastating weapons. We must act to protect the future of humanity. To ensure the continuity of government, and the survival of mankind. The Department of Homeland Security's National Protection and Programs Directorate working together with FEMA, have developed a network of protective underground cities. We selected you to be part of a very important mission. Operation Hard Shelter's charter is to develop twenty underground cities spread across our vast nation, each one interconnected by high-velocity rail, providing shelter for three million US citizens. We now have six functioning facilities capable of housing 720,000 citizen workers, scientists, and military volunteers. Our European allies have planned similar cities to protect their populations."

A map appears on the screen while the president speaks, showing facilities across the country. Rick studies the map. It doesn't mark state borders and the names of the underground cities are strange: New Arcadia, Nod, and Edendale. He doesn't recognize the names, but the cities are located near major US cities. The one named Edendale is in Southern California.

"Volunteers, you can be very proud that we selected you for this experiment. You are the best and brightest minds chosen to propel humanity into the twenty-second century as a stronger, smarter, new society. We will build a brighter future for mankind. Our planners have designed each city to have unique manufacturing and agricultural specialties to stimulate trade between cities, generating a robust economy. I ask for your pledge to do your best. I trust in your abilities ensuring that this project will have the highest level of success. You are the few and the fortunate." The president salutes.

The orientation video moves to the next topic: The Corporate Republic.

"As we move from the developmental stage to operational cities, we are adopting a new name for our experimental society. Welcome to the city of New Arcadia. Arcadia is the model for a new society. An optimized, commercial economy with incentives, fairness, and opportunities for all. Arcadians will become an advanced human culture free of wars and crime. Everyone has an equal chance to succeed. You are the few and the fortunate. You are Arcadians!"

A light appears on the left side of the video screen. A door has opened. Rick can see the outline of a man motioning for him to move to the door. "Hey get over here, numb-nuts."

Rick walks to the door as the presentation continues. The man greets him with a pat him on the shoulder as if he's an old friend, then pulls Rick through the door into a narrow hallway.

The man speaks under his breath to Rick. "They finally got you. I was hoping you'd remain insignificant. Then, you write something interesting. Way to go dimwit. I should never have given you access to IPXE." The man shakes Rick and looks into his eyes. Rick smiles dumbly at the man. "You're still suffering from rehabilitation, and you've been breathing that nice city atmosphere, eh? You're unusually happy and your brains foggy, isn't it? This will straighten you out."

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