A Tale of One

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Snapping her head up from her mile high stack of paperwork, Medusa's tired gaze clashed with those of her ornery boss's. It never ceased to amaze her at how her presence always commanded respect. It flooded every room she entered. Her beauty and self assurance combated those of any other. It made Medusa envious.

She had been working here for eons and not once had she seen the goddess Athena smile. She was the biggest workaholic Medusa had ever seen. Never took a break, a vacation, or a weekend off. And here she was - bright and early - scorning Medusa about...something.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I swear you are as incompetent as the day I picked you up from that swamp you called a home." She rolled her crystal blue eyes in indifference. "Did you finish the task I gave you?"

"Yes ma'am! I have each and every person on the brink of death - from the fates herself - sectioned for each individual god ready for your evaluation."

"You've been doing this too long for you to be this close to the deadline."

"I'm sorry ma'am. I just lost track of time."

"Don't let it happen again or you'll lose track of your job." She stormed into her office slamming the door on the conversation.

Medusa didn't take her words to heart. She knew she was stressed with all the tasks Zeus dealt her. It was Athena's job to pick out which of the humans were worthy enough to serve the gods after death. Warriors belonged to Zeus or to her as he deemed fit. She would also get those of the greatest minds. Hades took whoever he wanted to feed his river of souls. Poseidon experimented with them and his sea creatures creating whatever he desired, and so on and so forth.

But Medusa was stuck here, pushing papers as always. It was what she was meant to do...for eternity. Although she dreamed of doing something else - anything else - her contract prohibited her from it. She liked her work though. She got to see the lives of a lot of people living in earth. It was like watching. A movie. She saw their lives beginning to end to figure out where they deserved to go.

Right now she was checking in on the war in Syria. It wasn't anything major and would be resolved in a matter of months at least that's what she was told. Nothing for the history books. Athena started this one while everyone's attention was on the President of the United States of America. Only a few strayed there eyes to focus on something more important. That was the plan. To see who actually cared about the well being of other and who was going to do something about it. She even sprinkled in the notion of war between America and North Korea but that only caught the people's attention for a moment. Some still worried but they still went on about there lives.

As a Gorgon she rarely needed sleep, but being awake for 2 straight weeks was really taking a toll on her. It was probably the reason she had been lacking today. Once she got to her room she would be getting some real sleep.

As she worked her best friend slammed through her doors as if they owned the place. Like clockwork they showed up as soon as her shift was over ready to get her in trouble.

"Baby girl! It's time to get the fuck up outta here!" They yelled loudly.

"Hermes! Stop yelling in my place of work. I haven't been working here this long for you to get me fired cause you keep coming in here embarrassing me."

"Oh so you embarrassed of me now?"

"You know that is not what I meant."

"Mmhmm. Whatever. Let's get you to bed before that evil bitch has you working overnight."

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