A Tale of Tradgedy

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Medusa was finally finished sorting through her workload. Unfortunately Hermes was away on some adventure with Zeus so he was unable to walk her home today. Which was fine by her. When Zeus called you came running. Saying no to him was punishable. Hermes never told her why, but it didn't really matter. His business was his business.

She packed her things and got ready to leave. Before she stepped out the door she heard voices coming from Athena's office. She would usually mind her business, but something in the back of her mind said "stay". So she listed to the voice and slowly crept up to the door and putting her ear to is so she could hear more clearly.

"Let it go. I won fair and square. There's no reason for us to still fight over this." Medusa heard Athena say.

"That doesn't matter. The Athens rightfully belong to me. It was not meant for a woman to rule." A manly voice spoke.

"Oh get with the program Poseidon. I have been ruling for centuries now. Women can rule just as well - or better even - than men."

"This place could be so much more and yet you're wasting it on what? A tree? They picked a tree over me?"

"You were trying to win them over with brute strength instead of giving them what they needed. The horse was a great gesture, but they knew your true intentions."

"What they need is a strong leader, not a damn gardener."

"And that way of thinking is why you were not chosen."

"I want what's mine, Athena. Either you'll give it to me or I'll have to take it."

"Try all you want, uncle, but you'll never have it."

"We'll see."

There was a swooshing sound as the bottoms of her feet were suddenly wet. The water turned and sloshed around forming the figure of Poseidon. He was tall of course and the first thing she noticed.

The big three were all perceived to be big men with and intimidating presence. But for some reason Poseidon was the biggest. Hades was leaner and more lanky were as Zeus was shorter than his brothers, but was stocky and held greater authority.

Poseidon's build was well defined which he flaunted at the moment being shirtless and all. But the one thing that really caught her attention were his eyes. They were a golden color. Beautiful yet frightening. There was something in them that made her bones shake and she wanted nothing more but to be removed from his gaze. Luckily for her he didn't seem to want to converse and he left. She sighed in relief which was probably the only breath she had taken in the past couple of seconds.

Medusa figured it was time for her to head home and stop being so nosy before Athena caught her. She made it home just in time to start her nightly ritual. Her home was perfectly clean - not a particle out of place - yet, she still always straightened up before going to bed and before she left the next morning.

She didn't really need to sleep or eat, but like sleep, she loved eating food. The smells and flavors always gave her joy. With that being said she made herself something special; steak filled twice baked potato. It was her favorite. All her favorite food groups - dairy, protein, and starch - wrapped up in one fulfilling meal.

Taking the potato provided to her by one of the wood nymphs who had a "green thumb" she stabbed it with a fork and rubbed it down in bacon grease. Now bacon was a hard thing to come by in Olympus. Most gods didn't eat and the ones that did, well their diets consisted of humans or other gods. So she had to travel down to earth to retrieve the already brutalized swine. Lucky for her too, cause she didn't know if she could murder the sweet creature.

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