A Tale of Discovery

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How did he find her? She should've been completely off a God's radar after being cursed. But one of the big three was standing right in front her in all his power. If he could find her then that meant...that meant he could find her. She wasn't as safe as she thought she was. Her snakes were freaking out as the realization hit them too.

"You've been a hard one to find, Medusa."

Danger! They screamed.

He was always surrounded by his thick smoke. It was a part of him yet had a mid of its own. But this time it seemed darker. Emptier than usual. she knew him being here was not a good thing and decided to Goodson the offensive. She looked him in the eye and focused all her power towards him. With all the energy she had she turned him to stone...or she wanted to, but he just stood there unaffected. This made no sense. She tried again, this time harder. Nothing. Not even a pebble. What was going on?

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Trying to turn you to stone." She answered honestly.

"Stone? Are you... cursed, love?"

Hello, love.

Hades voice was drowned out by the memory of Poseidon. He had called her "love" as well and it made her stomach churn. This time gave her the same feeling. She had to swallow back the vile that threatened to rise in her throat.

"Of course I'm fucking cursed. Why do you think I'm on earth?"

"You're cursed and you're cursing. What did you do?" He chuckled.

"What did I do? You think I did something to deserve this?!" She snatched the wrap from her head showing him the damage that was done to her. Who cares if anyone saw her at this point.


He took a step closer and she backed away. Her snakes sensed danger and hissed at their assailant. He hissed right back and they cowered away losing the will to fight against him. He smirked and kept coming closer to examine her better. She had no idea what was going through his mind. But what more could he do to her? Had his brother sent him to retrieve her and take her back to him? If so why? His plan had its attended affect, didn't it? Or did he still have something in store for her?

"Are you scared of me? You've never been afraid of me before."

"Why are you here? Did Poseidon send you?"

"Did Poseidon send me? I haven't spoken to that salamander in years." He stroked one of her docile snakes. "I'm here because I came to pick up my regularly scheduled order and you weren't there. Athena said you left and gave her no reason."

"Left?! I left? She threw me out and did this to me!"

"She cursed you? You were her dedicated little slave. What reason would she have to do this to you?"

She almost told him. She wanted to tell somebody. But the only one who would believe her probably didn't even know she was gone. As much as Hades despised his brothers, she meant less than nothing to the Gods. He wouldn't care what happened to her one way or another. So she stayed silent about what happened to her.

"I think you should leave."

"Keeping secrets now? My, have you changed."

"I have. Goodbye Hades."

He gave her one more curious glance before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke. She took a giant breath inhaling the lingering charcoal scent. Luckily Hades didn't put up too much of a fight. She was sure to lose.

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