A Tale of Misfortune

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"How can a tiny somethin' like you be so damn strong?"

It was inventory time and the girls were sorting through everything. They were also reorganizing and Corin watched as Medusa/Talia lifted heavy items without breaking a sweat. Medusa loved doing work and now that she was stronger than before she was able to do a lot more.w

"I do extreme yoga." She said.

"Gimme your routine because its workin'."

"Can't. Ancient secret."

"Ugh! You're devious."

Medusa chuckled and finished carrying the box of clothing to their corner of the room.

Even through her smiles and laughter she was far from happy. She was now more worried than ever that her battle with Poseidon wasn't anywhere near ending. He was catching up to her. She could feel it. She had to figure out a way to keep herself hidden. She didnt need the only friend she had getting caught in the crossfire. She wouldn't make it out alive.

What was she even still doing here? If she wanted to protect Corin the best thing to do was leave. But she couldn't make herself do it. Working here with her had been the happiest time of her life. Sooner or later though, her past was gonna catch up with her.

She was gonna miss it here. Corin has unintentionally healed a broken part of her with her meaningless chatter and absurd jokes. She hadn't made any other friends, but she didn't need to. One friend at a time was good enough for her.

"Imma go get the jewelry out of my car. I'll be back." Corin left through the back.

Medusa was breaking down empty boxes when the front bell rang signaling a customer. The air in the shop became thick and musky. Goosebumps sprouted all over her body and the feeling of dread lay heavy in her stomach. It made her nauseous.

She stepped from behind the corner cautiously to greet them. But to her surprise no one was there.

"Hello? Can I help you?" She said.

No one answered back. Someone had come in, she was sure of it. Taking a look around she couldn't see anybody. That feeling got heavier and heavier by the second. She back up behind the counter keeping her eyes peeled. This was very bad.

Whoever came in didn't come to buy clothes. They came for her. So she waited. She waited for her senses to pick up anything out of the ordinary. She got nothing. Not a damn thing. Like she had imagined it all along. But she didn't. Someone was in here with her and she had to be ready for any attack.

"How is it that I've know you for centuries, yet it took me so long to find you?"

Medusa jumped at the sound of the familiar voice. A woman stood behind her playing with some of the new bracelets they just got in.

She recognized her. Only a little, though. She knew she was a fury by the feel of her presence. The aura around her was as black as hades. She wondered if the colors were because they both were from the underworld? But that made no sense since Corin's aura was green and she was human.

Right now she had bigger things to worry about. Like if she would come out alive after this.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"There's a nice little bounty on your head, Medusa. I've been ordered to bring you back."

Ordered? Furies only took orders from one person; Hades.

So after finding her here he sent out his strongest warrior to get her? Why when he could do it himself? And why was there only one? Where were the other two?

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