A Tale of A Tale

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600 years.

That's how long Medusa had been with her sisters. At least...she thought so. It was her best estimated guess. With time being so funny in this dimension she wasn't really sure how long she's been here. She stopped really keeping track after 230.

In the six centuries she's been here there were only about two hundred instances where they were discovered. She'd seen warriors and travelers from many different times zones attempt to slaughter them and bring their heads to show how they conquered the great Gorgon sisters. What a bunch of bullshit.

None of them. Not one could even get past Medusa. She was more than happy to use them to keep her fighting skills sharp. But she was bored. The only one who could keep up with her was Euryale. And she still won every time. Not much of a workout. Don't get her wrong, she loves and was grateful for her sisters. She just didn't see how they could live so long in this secluded life. She was tired of seeing the same four boulders day after day.

That's exactly what she felt like. A boulder. Her body was heavy with bored tension and there was nothing she could do about it. There she was fighting for her life only to die of complete and utter boredom.

To think she was all but an introvert in her early years. With only one friend and a life that resembled those of a hermit, only facing the world when it was absolutely vital to her wellbeing. Even then it was a struggle pretending to smile every single day.

Only recently had she realized how much of a fraud she actually was. She was never "happy". Only content with the fact that somebody coveted her even if only for selfish reasons. She was so emotionally deprived that anything would do. And she had no reason to kick that hornets nest unprovoked.

How pathetic she must of looked.

It was probably what had drawn Poseidon to her in the first place. She looked like an easy target with eyes full of naivety and a heart firmly planted on her sleeve just ready to be torn to shreds. Yeah, she was easy prey and he loved the hunt. That much she saw in those golden eyes.

Lately the thought didn't frighten her as much as it used to. It did still send an icy chill through her veins.

The upside to her troublesome situation? She was able to escape the gods clutches. Poseidon, Athena, Hades. They were all out of sight and out of mind. She was sure the same could be said about her for them. She really hoped they forgot all about her.

After all these years she still had no clue how she wound up here. The whole ordeal made absolutely no sense to her. She didn't understand it at all.

She may sound crazy, but she missed the busy streets of New Orleans. The sound of jazz music from the bar a few doors down that drowned out the white noise that kept her awake from the hours of 9pm to 3am. The voodoo priestess who was always hexing whoever tried to call her a fraud or dared say a bad thing about her precious chrysanthemums and hydrangeas. And she very much missed Corin subconsciously teaching her about that millennia unaware that Medusa was absolutely clueless.

Yeah she missed the outside world, but she would never turn her back on her sisters.

Euryale and Stheno were sparring in their self proclaimed training area - which was coincidentally also the foyers.

Over the years the three of them accumulated a very substantial graveyard. Bones and rusted armor lay in various piles. None of the groups who came in made it out alive. If they weren't turned into decorations they were made into nourishment for Aglaope. She was very grateful.

"No Euryale. You need to balance your stance with the opposite foot. You're left handed so plant your right foot and swing with your left hand. If you use your left foot you'll throw everything off balance."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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