A Tale of Learning

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Medusa had been with Corin for about a month. She was getting the hang of this human life thing. She was excited when she heard they actually ate three times a day. She was certain Corin noticed the look of confusion on her face when she cooked her breakfast, lunch and dinner. She just copped it up to her being homeless. They had to wear undergarments which Medusa wasn't used to, but found very comfortable.

One thing she already knew was that she needed money. And that meant getting a job. Which Corin provided swiftly. She needed someone to work the night shifts when she was at her other job. The store was doing well, but in this economy she needed a second job to keep the bills paid and have some spending money.

Medusa liked working for Corin. She was very nice to her and helped her when she messed up instead of calling her names. It was then she realized how badly Athena treated her. She just thought that she was being hard on her to make her better when all reality she was just being a...bitch!

That was another thing she learned. Cursing. She knew a bout them and how to use them, but Athena never allowed it. She was always saying that cursing was for witches and whores. But seeing as Athena cursed her, which did that make her; a witch or a whore?

Corin was turning out to be a really good friend as well. Medusa was still cautious though. Her new powers were growing by the day. She was much stronger than she seemed before and her vision had finally come into focus she could see a lot more than before. She noticed while some people's colors varied - purple, green, yellow, etc - some didn't have any colors at all. She was still trying to figure out what they meant, and if it meant something terrible, she would have to keep her distance from Corin.

Since that first night she had only accidentally turned one other man into stone. Luckily no one saw this time either. She had no idea why. With the first guy he was going to attack her. This one only asked her named and helped her carry out some boxes that night. She was smiling at him and next thing she knew he was a statue. Like before she smashed him to pieces and swept him up before anyone could see. She hadn't noticed that she forgot to put her glasses on that day. After that she didn't make the mistake of taking them off again. Not even while she slept.

The store was busy this morning and Medusa was a little overwhelmed. She didn't do well with confrontation so whenever a problem arose she went straight for Corin. They usually asked for the manager anyway. So Corin tried to teach her to be more assertive. She believed everyone - especially black women - should know how to stand their ground like a tree with deep roots. This world would chew you up, spit you out, then come back for seconds. Her words exactly.

If a customer tried to sway her on an item price she would definitively tell them that the price will not change simply because it's "not the right quality for that price". Medusa was nothing short of a quick study. Which she was certain that was the reason Athena kept her employed. It was probably also because she was the opposite of a sturdy tree. More like a stray feather in the wind going wherever it was forced. Completely controlled by an outside force.

Medusa vowed never to be that weak girl again as she settled into her independency. She was even already looking for somewhere else to stay even though Corin told her she could stay for as long as she wanted.

What she didn't tell her was that the real reason she didn't want to stay for too long was because she didn't want to accidentally turn her to stone. Then she would have murdered the one friend she still had.

At that thought she wondered how Hermes faired. Did he even know she was gone yet? Time worked differently in Olympus than it did here on earth. Everything happened simultaneously. While Medusa was living in 2020, the Olympians could be traveling to 1050 B.C or the year 3000. Another reason why olympians lived so long because they lived outside of time. Though their looks very in ages it was only because it was the look they chose. And olympians true form was so much more than flesh and bones. More...spiritual.

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