A Tale of Sarpedon

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Zeus - King over Olympus and all gods - had many, many children. He was fruitful and loved to multiply. Those who he sired - some names were legendary and some who's names aren't as famous.

Athena was his first and favorite of all. Afraid he would be given a son to usurp him he swallowed a then pregnant Métis in hopes of destroying this occurrence. But instead from his head birthed a fully grown Athena draped in gold armory. She is the wisest and most courageous of all his children.

And there was Heracles (or Hercules - the Roman equivalent). He was well known for his strength mightier than any mere mortal. Although he was hated by Hera - sister and wife of Zeus - because of Zeus' blatant adultery, his fate to be the greatest of all heroes was set. She did the best she could to stop him from being recognized by Zeus. She delayed his birth and even tried to have him killed as a baby by sending a snake after him and his win, but even still he persevered.

The older he got the stronger he got. She even tricked him into killing his own wife and children in a fit of madness. This led him to being the servant of the new king Eurystheus and this the twelve labours of Heracles was born.

The story Sarpedon isn't as well known as his brother's and sister's. Especially since there were apparently two of them.

The first was sarpedon born of Zeus and Europa. Zeus abducted Europa and "consummated" their relationship beneath the Cypress tree. And three sons were born; Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon.

They were adopted by King Asterion, but when he died it was unclear who was to be his successor. Minos was chosen when he was favored by Poseidon. As for the other two brothers they were banished from Crete. Sarpedon wound up in Milyas which would one day be named Lycia and he would become the king. He had two children; Evander and Antiphates.

This is where the story gets a little confusing. It was said that Sarpedon had lived up to three normal lifetimes as he was king even after his children, but the story also goes as far as to say that the child of Evander and his wife, Laodamia was also named Sarpedon. Or in reality the son of Zeus who had lain with Laodamia as well.

This second Sarpedon would ascend the throne of Lycia after all his brothers and cousins withdrew their claims; his cousin Glaucus being next in line for the throne. That led to the Lycians defending Troy when the Acheans attacked their Trojan allies.

He was destined to die at the hands of Patroclus. Zeus wanted to save his son from this, but he relented when the other Gods and Goddesses interfered. They too had children who died in this same war.

His blood seeped into the earth itself and Zeus felt such guilt for letting his son die so violently. He plucked up that section of land and chucked it into space leaving a passageway from the two planes for him to come and mourn.

He hadn't considered that others would be able to travel to and from this portal he constructed. People accidentally stumbled onto his place of sanctuary without his knowledge and soon he stopped going as frequently.

"So this place is in another dimension?" Medusa asked.

Stheno and Euryale were dressing Medusa up in a dress similar to theirs. She felt if she was gonna stay she might as well dress the part. She also loved their style. Even though they couldn't see, they looked well put together.

"Yes." Euryale answered. "Not just another - it's own. Usually the only way into it is by water, but you seem to have found another."

"Yes. I still don't know how."

"We'll just say it was fate."

"We don't know how much of that story is true, but we do know that we got here by water. Humans have as well. Most people come here to torment our siren sister. Always wanting a souvenir of some sort. Vermin."

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