chapter four

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chapter four: the green arrow

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chapter four:
the green arrow

OLIVER QUEEN sat in the bunker with Felicity and the new team. Diggle had filled them in on the that he had found a Roy double out in Bludhaven. So there's somebody who's wearing Roy's suit out in Bludhaven. But how? I mean, Roy gave Thea his old suit, so how could it be either of them" Felicity asked, confused as ever. Oliver sighed, mentally deciding to go to Bludhaven with Diggle and see who was impersonating Arsenal.

Diggle agreed immediately, knowing that they needed to get to the bottom of the problem. The team reluctantly let them leave, knowing that Roy was a friend and didn't need someone running around pretending to be him.


"Arsenal and The Red Hood make another epic takedown" Jason exclaimed happily. Roy smiled and looked at the newspaper that Jason had just handed him. "Roy. I hope you know that you are fucking amazing" Jason said, quickly grabbing Roy and kissing his cheek. Roy blushed adorably causing Jason to laugh. "And your are fucking adorable" Jason continued, pinching Roys cheek. "Jason Peter Todd get your ass over here" Roy shouted, chasing a laughing Jason down the hall.

Jason continued to laugh, falling down which caused Roy to start laughing. Jason gave Roy the bird, making him laugh harder. After the two sobered up, they put on some regular clothes and walked out. Neither were much for PDA but Jason was apparently feeling needy because he grabbed Roys hand and interlocked their fingers. Roy smiled and they walked out of the complex, both grinning at the old lady who owned the complex. (She gave them drugs as long as they paid the rent)

They walked down the street, ignoring the looks from the homophobic people in the small city. Roy knew almost everybody, as he had become more of a socialite after being mentally isolated for so long. The couple made their way to the local diner and ordered their usual. 2 cheeseburgers, fries, and a huge chocolate milkshake.

Roy would constantly make corny jokes to make Jason laugh at his terrible attempts before laughing himself. They were in a very good place, well until of course, life had it out for the vigilantes.

Oliver Queen himself, along with John Diggle, had stopped at the diner for some food after the long ride. Roys eyes widened and he quickly pulled out his phone to frantically text Jason, who had went out back for a smoke. He told Jason to go to the apartment and wait on him, promising to explain his reasoning later. Diggle spotted Roy, who was sipping on his milkshake while coming up with a cover story for Jason.

Oliver could never know about Jason. Roy had a suspicion that Oliver was behind Jason's death and he could not have Oliver knowing that Jason was alive, much less dating him. Both grown men sat across from Roy, Oliver giving him a pointed look.

"Roy. Surprised to see you here" Diggle said. Roy smiled. "I had a date" Roy replied. "Who's the lucky girl" Oliver asked. "Who said it was a girl" Roy replied, grinning at the looks on Oliver and Johns faces. "That's new" Diggle stated while smiling at his old friend. "New it is, which is why i need to be leaving. Listen, it's nice to see you guys. It really is. But I'm only saying this once. Get the hell out of my city before you end up dragging whatever problems Starling has" Roy said, dropping a twenty on the table and getting up to leave.

He heard Diggle following behind him and he cussed silently. He knew that they were probably gonna tranq him, lock him in some warehouse, and ask him why he put on a mask again. "Roy! Man listen to me" Diggle said, grabbing Roys shoulder and forcing him to look at him. "Have you been going out as Arsenal again" Diggle asked, pushing Roy into an alley so they could talk freely. "Yes I have" Roy replied. Diggle frowned. "And your working with the Red Hood. Roy I thought you were above killing" Diggle said.

"He is! But I'm not" Jason shouted, decked out in his Red Hood suit while aiming a gun at Diggle. "Red no! He's a friend" Roy said, quick to push Diggle behind him. Jason sighed under the helmet, reluctantly putting his gun away and jumping down into the alley. "Roy go home" Jason said. "But" Roy started.  "Now Harper" Jason exclaimed. "It was nice seeing you John. But like I said. Leave. It's for your own good" Roy said, walking away with Jason.

Diggle smiled knowingly as he watched the two disappear in the alley. He knew that somehow, in whatever weird way, Roy and that hood guy were soulmates. Diggle knew that Roy was very much in love with Thea and the only thing that could change that would be his soulmate.

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