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chapter eleven: bianca rebels

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chapter eleven:
bianca rebels

"BIANCA! What the hell was that back there" Barry shouted. Let's rewind a bit, shall we?

In the months since Bianca met Barry and became an official member of Team Flash, she'd started to become a bit more reckless. She'd broken bones of criminals, punched a cop in the face, and almost killed someone because she got pissed off.

Now back to the present, in the speed lab.

"I punched the guy in the face, so what" Bianca asked. "You punched him hard enough to break his jaw Bianca, that's not what we do" Barry replied. "No! That's not what you do! I will do whatever the hell it is that I want to do" Bianca exclaimed. "No, you don't! As long as you live under our roof, what we say goes" Iris spoke, walking into the room. "Well, then I guess I'm done being apart of this little thing that you call a family" Bianca stated. "Wait what" Barry asked. "I'm done being apart of this family, and apart of this team, from now on I'm doing this whole thing by myself" Bianca said.

"Bianca you can't just leave" Iris spoke. "Oh really? I'm eighteen now, the two of you can't control what I do anymore" Bianca replied, looking Barry dead in the eyes before turning around to walk away. "Oh, and I guess I'm done being Velocity too" Bianca said, peeling her domino mask off of her face and tossing it to the ground before speeding away.

"Do you think that she's leaving, permanently, like never coming back again" Ralph asked from the doorway. "No, theirs no way, she doesn't have the resources to just leave" Cisco replied. "Not unless she's been saving up enough money to go on a trip to Europe for the summer, and now has the money to leave and start a new life wherever she wants to" Joe interjected. "I'll check her account's to see if she's withdrawn any money" Caitlin spoke up. "Is this happening, is she seriously about to leave" Cecile asked. "With the way she just blew up at Barry and Iris, I'd say so" Ralph replied. "Bianca just withdrew seven grand out of Central City Bank, which is the combined amount of the money Barry gave her, and the money she's been making from the three of her job's" Caitlin said.  "Where is she" Barry asked, walking into the cortex. "We don't know, she's avoiding CCTV and she ditched her suit in an alleyway, so we don't have any way of tracking her" Cisco replied. An alert sounded through the Cortex and everyone looked at Cisco. "Okay, Bianca's car just left Central City, Barry, I'd tell you to run but you're already gone" Cisco spoke.

"Guys, Bianca knew about the car's tracker, she pinned it to someone else's car" Barry said over the comms. "Come back here, we'll try to find another way to find her" Iris advised.


"Thanks, D, I owe you one" Bianca muttered, tossing her duffel bag into the backseat of the car she borrowed from one of her friends. Bianca paired her new phone with the car's Bluetooth system and turned on some music. She sped out of the parking lot and drove at a moderate speed until she was out of the city. Bianca met up with Danielle, and the two girls quickly swapped cars, Bianca taking the Challenger Danielle was kind enough to give her, and Danielle taking her Honda Civic back.

"I'm gonna miss you, stay in touch" Danielle asked. "Of course, you'll have to come to visit me once I get settled in Blüdhaven" Bianca smiled. "How could I not, you broke my brother out of prison, the least I could do was help you start over" Danielle smiled. "I'll see you around, after all, I've got a drive ahead of me" Bianca said, giving Danielle one last hug before hopping into the Challenger and taking off.

Bianca made it to Blüdhaven in a few hours, only stopping to get snacks and gas.

"God, I already hate this city" Bianca muttered as she drove slowly through the streets before arriving at the house. Bianca had been wanting to get out of Barry's life for around three months now, and it's why she'd paid off a place in a close city, and did a favor for Danielle so she could get a way out of the city that Barry and S.T.A.R labs couldn't track. She got a fake ID, new debit cards, and a new place under her fake name. Brianna Arlington probably wasn't the best, but at least it would work.

Bianca parked the car and got out. She pulled her duffel out of the backseat and walked to the front door. She unlocked it and walked in, and Bianca had to admit, the place did look pretty nice considering the city. She'd been there a few times to clean it up and make it look better, which is also why the entryway was primed for her to drop her Velocity ring into the tray, along with her keys, and it's also why there was a gorgeously furnished bedroom. The rest of the place needed some dressing up, but it was nothing for a speedster. Bianca walked into her room and dropped her duffel on the bed before speeding around the room to put everything away.

"Okay, suitcases, definitely need those" Bianca muttered, before walking out of the room and out of the house. She popped the trunk open and struggled to pull out one of the suitcases. "Seriously, this was so much easier earlier" Bianca muttered angrily. "You need some help with that" someone asked, and Bianca's soulmark's flared. "That'd be nice actually" Bianca said, turning around and smiling at the two men. The taller one chuckled and put his hand out. "Roy Harper, but uh, keep that between us eh" Roy introduced, and Bianca smiled. "Bianca Allen, and how about we keep that quiet" Bianca replied, shaking Roy's hand. "Two criminal soulmates, today just get's better and better" The shorter one smirked. "And who are you" Bianca asked. "Jason Todd" Jason replied, his smirk never faltering. Roy rolled his eyes lovingly at him before looking at Bianca.

"So, are you new to Blüdhaven" Roy asked. "I'm kind of familiar with it, I've only been here to get some of this place in order" Bianca replied. "Roy and I will have to show you around, there's a diner down the street that makes the best milkshakes in the world" Jason smiled. "I'd like that" Bianca smiled. "How about we help you with these, and go get dinner, it's on us" Roy asked. "Sure" Bianca replied.

Once the bags were in the entryway and Bianca had her purse, it was off to dinner, which was filled with laughs and smiles, and the three soulmates getting to know each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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