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Jungkook's p.o.v

The door opens during our introduction and some boy enters the room, everyone's head snap to his direction.

The boy is pretty handsome, more like cute but he has a feminine body and he smells like a werewolf but I can't seem to know his rank. He looks a little beat up, he got some bruise or some mark that is bruising on his cheek.

He looks at the teacher wanting to say something but the teacher beat him to it. "Kim Taehyung, glad you could still make it to class, what is your excuse this time you know what I don't even wanna know it, you aren't getting a detention slip this time but you'll have to show these new students around after school." shouted the teacher at the boy, I suppose is Taehyung.

"I can't I need to be at home directly after the school finishes." retorted he back. The teacher looks at him furious. "I don't care you're going and that's final and it' s not like there is someone waiting for you." exclaimed the teacher laughing.

The others laughing with him, Taehyung puts on an emotionless face before nodding and making his way to his desk at the back. I can feel how Jin hyung clenches his fist to not explode in front of everyone. Namjoon hyung holds his hands and Jin hyung calms down almost immediately.

We too sit at the back all in one line. Jimin is seated beside the boy that walked in late and he seems to be frowning.

Later at lunch

We are all seated at the rooftop even though we can't come here, we still came.

"The boy, uhmm my seat mate in history, he's desk was full drawn with names, directed at him I think, words like 'Fag' or 'Disgusting' even 'Kill yourself' was written on it. The others gasp." I wonder how bad treated he gets, he looked pretty beat up." asked Jin hyung Jimin. Those two where always the type to care about other people as long they don't hurt their friends. Well, I'm a bad boy but I didn't bully people until they did something to me or my friends.

" We need to find after school" responded Namjoon not wanting Jin and Jimin to worry about something like this. "Yeah you're right" replied Jin hyung nodding along with Jimin.

After school

Me and Jimin get out of class seeing Taehyung already out of the classroom waiting for us. "Woah, don't tell me you're stalking us" exclaimed I raising my voice. That bastard is creepy. "N-no, I'm-m no-ot, I'm i-in the sa-âme cla-ass as you-u two-o." explains Taehyung stuttering badly.

"Hello, you're Taehyung right, you're showing us around right, let's wait then the rest is coming anyway" says Jimin jumping up and down. Taehyung nods before we hear our friends shouting at us.

We walk over with Taehyung behind us looking at the floor. "Hey come on, you need to make us visit the school, so hurry up" say I coldly. The others look behind me to see him standing there looking up at us with an emotionless face.

"Let's go then, I'll show you around quickly." says he as he starts walking past Jin hyung and the others and continues walking in front of us, he turns his head to look at us

"Are you coming or do you need an extra invite" says he with an emotionless face. We follow him quickly.

"This is the library" exclaims he as he passes by it. "If you don't know where your class is look at the doors the numbers are written on it you just need to follow it or you ask around."

We nod and he continues walking, but he stops as we hear some voice. His eyes widen and he starts running in the other direction of the voices. We follow right behind him.

He stops and looks at a room."This is the music room." exclaims he as he continues walking normal again. This is the students office, you probably know that already and.... Here is the teachers room and that would be all you need to know.

The numbers on the doors go from the entrances with 001 and the last is 319. The fist floor is from 001 to 109, the second floor from 110 to 204 and the third floor the rest. That's all, bye" he bows and starts walking away, we follow him too. He looks back but at first he shrugs.

We are now by the road by the woods, he looks back but shrugs again. He walks in the woods and we follow behind him. "Uhm, why are you following me?" asks he his confidence slipping out a little bit but he retake his composure. We look at each other shrugging before making our way in the other direction of his but we're still in the woods.

After some minutes of walk we arrive at the Blood moon pack. Everyone greets us and we great back. "Son, come with Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok to my office" ordered my father, the pack alpha. We go to his office and enter knowing it must be very serious.

"There have been rogues spotted on our and Cresent moon's territory, they asked for help so we're going to help them and they will help us, even though we are one of the strongest packs doesn't mean we can win against everyone. We're suspecting they will attack sometime soon. Prepare guards to protect this pack and guards that will come with us." with that we nod and make our way to the training grounds.

We order some to come with us and some to stay here till we hear the pack alpha running towards us, yelling that we need to go now and with that we run to the forest with our alpha and beta speed and we arrive at the Cresent moon pack but everything is already destroyed and the most of them are dead.

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