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Third person p.o.v

Taehyung was wandering around the corridors of school. The day before he found out that no one found out about him having hurt Jimin and he was glad.

It was lunch time and Taehyung wasn't feeling so well. He was dizzy and had a strong headache but he ignored it and continued walking. He saw Jimin walking out of the bathroom.

He saw Jake and his minions walking towards him, so he picked up his pace, he was fast and no one noticed him pass in front of them and pushed Jimin inside the bathroom and locked the door from outside.

He turned around and went the way towards Jake. Jake so him and smirked and motioned his minions to hold him tight. He then started beating Taehyung repeatedly, but he never punched the face not wanting Taehyung's parents to notice and come to school.

Bruises were starting to form on Taehyung's skin. After some good minutes of beating him up, they were satisfied and went away not caring if he's unconscious or not.

Taehyung stood up and made his way back to the bathroom he locked Jimin, to let him free. Though when he arrived there, the others were already there and Jimin being hugged by his mates. They turned their stares at him the moment they heard the footsteps.

Taehyung composes himself immediately and puts on a smirk before continuing his way over there and walks past them but the moment he's past them his expression shows guilt.

Yoongi was ready to beat him up. Yoongi let go of his mate and gripped Taehyung's shoulder harshly. Taehyung sensed it and put a blank face before he got turned around to face Yoongi.

The older of the two punches him immediately in the face and he didn't stop. He continued punching him, punching him in the face, stomach, but he felt like something was off. Why is he not fighting back? thought Yoongi.

After some minutes he stopped and went back to Jimin and Hoseok was now beating Taehyung. Mates normally protect each other and when something happens to their mate, something triggers their rage and want to kill the person who hurt their mate.

After some minutes Hoseok finished beating up Taehyung and they all went to their classroom. Taehyung though stood up and was feeling more dizzy then earlier, he stood up and went inside the bathroom and cleaned up the blood.

Jungkook was angry, he never thought his mate could be an asshole, the elder Chanhee thought he was a nice kid but that was probably only an act.

The six were already seated inside the classroom and they saw Taehyung enter like nothing happened to him.

He sat down on his usual place by the window in the back and Taehyung saw one of his classmates by the chalkboard and he was about to open and he got a glimpse of what was written on it.

Taehyung quickly stood up, took the sponge and quickly washed it off before the other six could see it. His classmates were furious and wanted to punch him but before they could the teacher came in and they all scurried away.

Taehyung sat back in his seat and the lesson began. Taehyung was feeling not well at all. He was feeling dizzy and he wanted to throw up but he tried to ignore that feeling and looked out the window.

"Kim Taehyung, I see you aren't focusing, come to the front and do this math problem" ordered the old math teacher and Taehyung was quick on his feet and walking to the chalkboard.

He saw double before even reaching the chalkboard and he quickly shut his eyes and opened them again trying to adjust his eyesight. He took the chalk from the teacher and wrote down the solution.

The teacher was quite shocked, she wanted to trap down Taehyung and send him to detention by giving him a problem they never saw in class and here he found the solution so easily.

His classmates were puzzled, they never saw such an math problem and so they were trying to understand it.

The teacher dismissed class earlier because of that and let them go earlier home.

Jungkook and the others were making their way home, when they saw Taehyung walking unsteady and sometimes closing his eyes. They didn't understand what was wrong with him.

They were about to enter the pack grounds when they turned around and found Taehyung on the ground. He was shaking uncontrollably. Jungkook immediately rushed over as he's mate and it was his instinct.

He touched his forehead, his forehead was warm and he quickly picked him up, wanting to take him to the hospital but decided against it and ran straight home.

Jin and the others were behind him and rushed too. If it weren't for their next head alpha taking care of him they couldn't care less,since he hurt their little mochi.

They quickly followed Jungkook inside his room and Jungkook ordered Jin to do a quick check up. So that's what he did.

"He has a high fever of 40.1°C , he's pretty pale too. I can't say further as he's unconscious" explained Jin looking at the small, frail boy.

Jin somehow couldn't believe that this small and fragile boy could do something like that. Jimin was worried pretty badly about the younger and didn't want to leave his side.

Yoongi and Hoseok tried to convince him but he just wouldn't budge. They didn't understand, he hurt him so why was he so worried about him and trying to protect him. Jungkook too stayed next to his mate and washed off Taehyung's sweat that pickled down from his face.

They needed to wait until he woke up to know what he has for all they knew he could have a concussion from falling to the ground. Jungkook held his hand tightly asking for him to wake up. Jungkook was worried but he thought it must be the mate bond pulling him to his mate that's sick.

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