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Third person p.o.v

"Tae, calm down" says Jungkook trying to calm him down.

Taehyung however can't really concentrate on what's happening. He could hear his mate, but couldn't respond to his request.

"I-I can't-t" responds Taehyung gasping for air.

"Taehyung, breath with me follow my lead, breath in.. 1..2..3 breath out... 1..2..3" Taehyung following his mates lead.

"Good, continue with me" says Jungkook concerned, Taehyung nodding, starting to calm down.

After some minutes, that felt like hours to Taehyung, he's finally able to calm down. He buries his head against his mate's neck, feeling safe in his arms and not wanting to let go

Jungkook smiles fondly at his mate not going unnoticed by his friends and family.

Baekhyun is the first to break the silence "If any of you, dares to hurt him, is dead understood?" his voice is threatening and makes everyone shudder in the room except from Taehyung and Baekhyun's mate, Chanyeol.

Everyone nods in the room before Baekhyun's gaze softens again. "Tae baby, no one is going to hurt you okay? Your hyung is here"

Taehyung looks up at his older brother again before standing up and making his way to him.

He hugs his brother for dear life before lifting his brother's shirt up looking for any injuries.

"Baek, did you get hurt when I wasn't there for you, did you get injured in your new pack for being an vampire, I promise I'll kill them all if they did. I'm sorry, I couldn't stay with you" rambles Taehyung still checking his body for injuries, seeing a big scar on his back.

"What is this scar? Was it your new pack? Was it my dad? Who shall I kill?" Taehyung again rambles, the others in the room finding it amusing as he got from 'please don' t hurt me' to 'if you hurt my hyung, i'll kill you'.

"It's nothing Tae, the pack was understanding when I first went there, they didn't treat me badly, they were a bit wary of me that's all" Baekhyun starts responding to his little brother's questions.

"That scar was when rogues tried to attack our pack, Channie killed them after seeing me injured" Taehyung bows to Chanyeol.

"So you don't need to kill anyone" the little omega nods before getting hugged by Baekhyun.

"Will you tell me what happened after I got to the Neon pack?" asks Baekhyun not wanting to upset his little brother.

Taehyung nods before sitting back down by the table, stuffing his face with food.

"You still like food very much, huh?"

"What are you talking about hyung? You should know that I love food more than anything. Food is life" exclaims Taehyung with his mouth full.

There is a knock on the door and Chanhee walks in with Yejoon, sitting down on the table too.

"Hey Taehyung how are you doing?" asks Chanhee eyeing Taehyung carefully. Taehyung smiles before replying with a 'I'm fine'.

"Okay, tell me how come you two are half-brothers. Tell me everything please." exclaims Jimin, the others agreeing too, but Chanhee and Yejoon as they are confused about what is going on.

Taehyung sighs before nodding along with Baekhyun.

"Okay it all started when my mother, a vampire, fell in love with my father, another vampire, even though they weren't mates, they loved each other deeply, married and got me, after me being 6 years old, there was a pack coming to the vampire castle" starts Baekhyun.

"Wait, vampire castle?" asks Hoseok.

"Ah, yes, my mother was the sister of the king" The others nodding before he continues his story.

"One of the members of the pack was my mother's mate and even though she wanted to reject him before she knew, he threatened to kill her husband, if she didn't accept him" he takes a deep breath.

"She of course didn't accept him. She was sure that his husband was strong, but the werewolf wasn't stupid and used wicked tricks to kill him. My mother, Hae-mi begged him to let me live and he accepted that request.

He took us with him to the pack even though the king opposed but soon found out they were mates and with the werewolf's manipulation, he was able to take my mother with him.

Even though, she went with him, she didn't accept having sexual intercours with him, so through rape he was able to get a son, that son is Taehyung.

Even though my mother got raped she still loved us both equally. As Taehyung presented as omega, he started abusing us, always getting more violent.

He would always go out and fuck with someone else, leaving our mother in unbearable pain. My mother and I trained Taehyung knowing very well that we won't be able to always protect him.

He was stronger than many alphas but his omega instincts often kicked in. Taehyung would often oppose his father and protect us for us to get the minimum injuries as possible.

As I was finally able to enroll to a real school, I found my mate, fairly earlier than normal to tell the truth, he often came visit us and after a year, we decided that I should live with my mate and so afterwards a week later at the date of Taehyung's birthday, we went to visit only to see everything destroyed and found nothing there but blood of my mother and my brother.

I knew my brother was not dead because I could feel it and I could feel that my mother had passed away that day" a tear slips Baekhyun's eye.

"Afterwards we got a letter, saying that it was Taehyung and that he hates me and I shouldn't search for him, but it wasn't his writing and I at least got a confirmation that Taehyung was still alive.

I tried to search for him but there was just no time with all that was happening in our pack and after that the pack we grew up with changed location many times, we not being able to find it" finishes Baekhyun looking at Taehyung.

"Can you tell me what happened afterwards Tae, please?"

Taehyung nods.

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