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Third person p.o.v

The only thing Taehyung can think about when they enter is Shit. He doesn't want to get caught in a situation where he's freezing and they can find out about him being an omega.

He wants to continue hiding from everyone. He doesn't want to suffer anymore, he wants to finally be able to be happy again.

"Hey Taehyung, what's wrong?" asks Jimin worried about his new friend.

"I'm fine. What are you talking about?"

"You aren't fine. That water was freezing cold. Take of your hoodie, you must be freezing" exclaims Jungkook, stepping forward, ready to take off the little omega's hoodie and t-shirt if it's needed.

Taehyung sighs knowing very well that he won't be able to escape from his mate and takes off his hoodie and t-shirt, showing him his bruises from the cold and some old bruises from his old pack.

They gasp seeing how skinny he's and Jungkook takes off his hoodie putting it on the sink next to him, before crouching down to look better at Taehyung's bruises.

"Where did you get these bruises from?" asks Jungkook feeling sadness for his mate.

"These new ones that are bleeding, are from the hoodie since they dumped freezing water over me, every move I made the hoodie rubbed against the skin and caused it to bleed." answers Taehyung truthfully.

"What about these old scars?" asked Jungkook again.

"They come from my old pack and some alphas and betas from this school. Humans can't leave bad bruises on our skin"

Jungkook softly nods before placing his hand on the bruises causing both of them to feel tingles shoot through their bodies.

"Jin hyung? Can you treat his wounds?" asks Jungkook moving away from him and Taehyung already missing his touch.

Jin starts treating his wounds and then bandaging them up.

As Jin finishes Jungkook takes his own hoodie and put it over Taehyung's head making him wear his hoodie.

" Taehyung?" asks Jungkook carefully not wanting to offend Taehyung in the slightest if he is wrong.

"You're an omega right?"

The others look at Jungkook as if he has grown two heads.

"Are you crazy, he's never in the world an omega, he beat up an alpha and an beta in the mall. He beat up three other alphas in the hallway some minutes ago, he's clearly an alpha, he didn't even react to my alpha voice." states Yoongi, weirded out by his younger friend.

"He is. The constant freezing when he walks around in an t-shirt, if he is an alpha he wouldn't freeze like that. He was badly bruised by those two in the mall. The elder Chanhee said that he's weaker than average people when she found him badly bruised after the fight in the mall." starts Jungkook.

"His delicate skin, would he be an alpha his skin wouldn't bruise from an simple rubb of freezing wet hoodie. Why he doesn't react to an alpha voice I don't know and think about it, he asked my father how omegas are treated in our pack" finishes Jungkook looking directly at Taehyung.

"But Kook, think about it, if he would be an omega he wouldn't be able to talk back against us, without fear and why would he hide it" argues Jin.

"It's maybe an facade to hide and i think he got hurt often for being an omega so he tried to hide it from us.

" Kook, you're talking nonsense" exclaims Hoseok.

Jungkook ignores him and looks at Taehyung "Tell me the truth Taehyung"

Taehyung sighs before looking down in shame, his facade, his mask that he put over his face slowly breaking.

"Yeah, I'm an omega. P-p-ple-eas-se don't-t hu-urt me-e" Taehyung sits down on the floor pushing his knees to his chest, holding his head in his hands, waiting for an impact but it never came.

He looks up to see them looking at him with sympathy. Taehyung sighs out of relief but he still has his guard up.

Jungkook crouched down patting his head and connecting their foreheads together.

"We won't hurt you, Tae" says Jungkook with a smile.

The others behind them are quite shocked from Jungkook's affection towards Taehyung as he only shows it to his hyungs, Jimin and his parents.

Jungkook never felt like this, this need to hold someone close, making them feel safe and kissing them for comfort and here he is feeling it for Taehyung, his mate, who he promised to reject but maybe he doesn't have the feeling of wanting to reject him anymore.

Jungkook stands up again, helping Taehyung and turning to the others.

"Let's go home"

They all nod before making their way out of the school building.

"Sooooooo, I was right huh?" asks Jungkook with a smug grin on his face, his hyungs wanting to slap that grin away.

"Yeah, Yeah, you were right, happy" exclaims Yoongi.

Jungkook nods happily and continues walking.

"Hey Taehyung ?" asks Jin warily.

Taehyung only hummed in reponse, even though he doesn't show it he's pretty happy.

"How come you were able to beat those alphas and betas?" that question takes everyone attention as they look at Taehyung.

"It's a secret, I'll tell you when I'm ready, if that's okay?"

Jin nods, happy that the younger is finally nicer with all of them, he thinks that maybe Jungkook was right, that Taehyung was only hiding behind an facade.

"Hey Taehyung? What do you like to do in your free time?" asks Jimin tilting his head cutely.

Taehyung coos at that sight internally before pinching Jimin's cheeks.

Jimin pouts in response. "I like to play with little kids, sing, dance, draw and photography"

The others are quite surprised that that the youngest likes such things.

"Ah! And reading" exclaims Taehyung quite excited but still tries to hide it.

Jimin giggles at that.

"Me too, me too, I like to sing and dance but Art isn't really my strongest point followed by photography"

They continued talking the other five following in their conversation.

Time skip

They finally arrived at the pack house, seeing there is a commotion, the seven boys remember what day today is and quickly enter the house.

Alpha's mate [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now