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Third person p.o.v

Taehyung wakes up, paying no mind to the strong headache he feels and makes his way to the bathroom. He quickly does his morning routine before going to the kitchen.

He drinks hot chocolate and eats some toasts with butter. After finishing his breakfast he goes out of the house, again only wearing an t-shirt and some skinny jeans. He sighs at the little option of clothes.

He makes his way to the pack house, wanting to ask Jimin to go with him clothes shopping, hoping that he would accept.

Arriving there the nerves start to kick in. He still knocks on the door even though he is nervous and wanted to leave. The door opens revealing the Luna of the pack.

Taehyung bows to the Luna and greets her with a quick good morning.
"I'm sorry if I woke you up, Luna. I wanted to ask if Jimin is here?" explains Taehyung bowing again.

The Luna shakes her head. "Come on in, I'll go get Jimin for you, I don't think he's still sleeping." and with that she made her way upstairs letting Taehyung alone in the hallway.

"What the hell are you doing here?" asks a familiar voice harshly. Taehyung looks up and sees Jin with an almost angry expression with a spatula in his hands. "I came here for Jimin not for you, so concern yourself with your own business" replies Taehyung just as harsh but innerly he is coiling in front of the Beta.

"If you're here for Jimin it is my business." exclaims Jin harshly and as he wants to continue but was interrupt by Jimin coming down smiling and his two mates behind him looking annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing here, asshole?" asks Hoseok and Yoongi at the same time. "For the last time, it doesn't concern any of you, what I want from Jimin concerns only me and him. Got it?" exclaims the young omega. 

"And I'll say it one more time, what concerns Jimin concerns us too. You have hurt him several times and we certainly will not let you alone with" replies Jin moving towards Taehyung.

"Don't come nearer, one more step forward and I'll punch" 

"And why would we listen to you?" exclaims Jin but staying still nonetheless. Jin doesn't know what rank the younger is and doesn't want to risk the younger being an alpha and getting beat to shreds.

Taehyung sighs and turns to look at the older omega that's slightly taller than him. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me clothes shopping, to tell you the truth I don't have many clothes and it's only t-shirts with some skinny jeans and it's getting always colder" 

"Sure, I'll gladly come." smiles Jimin down at Taehyung.

Taehyung however doesn't smile "Go and change to warmer clothes, I don't want you to freeze to death"  with that Jimin and the others ran to their rooms leaving the young omega alone in the corridor confused.

After some minutes, instead of the four boys of before, the six come down. Jungkook looking sleepy, while walking half asleep with the others who looking overprotectiveness for Jimin.

They are all dressed up, ready to go shopping. "Let's go" says Jin hyung walking out the house the others following behind closely but Taehyung who looks confused at the back of the hyungs in the hallway.

Taehyung quickly snaps out of it and runs after them.

"Why are you all coming too? I asked Jimin to come with me not with all of you" exclaims the young omega with anger seething through every word.

"We're coming so that we can protect Jimin, we don't trust you" answers Namjoon, Taehyung only sighs at that and agrees with their idea.

As they are walking Jimin asks a question to Taehyung that perks everyones interest "Say Taehyung, why do you never smile or laugh?"

Taehyung looks surprised at first but soon only rustle Jimin's hair as Taehyung is only one inch smaller than Jimin.

"I don't smile because I lost the reason to smile. There's nothing to smile for me anymore. Sure there's only one to two things that will make me smile, but that's far away from me at the moment, maybe I'll reach it someday or maybe I won't" replies Taehyung honestly, leaving the hyungs shocked about his answer.

"And what would those one to two things be?" asks Jimin even more curious now.

Taehyung shakes his head before responding sincerely "Doesn't matter anymore".

It was silence for some time before the young omega clapped his hands. "Should I tell you all a story that I read in a book that I found at my old pack?"

The others looked confused at first but nonetheless nod. Taehyung nods back and starts his story.

"There once was a beautiful vampire woman loving another vampire that wasn't her mate but nonetheless they loved each other and got a beautiful little boy and lived happily.

Five years though after her son was born she found her true mate, her mate though was a werewolf and even though there was a pull, she didn't want to leave her husband.

Her true mate though didn't accept it and wanted to take her forcefully, so he decided to take her forcefully and killed the love of her life in front of her and as he wanted to kill her son she didn't let them so he took the little boy with him.

After some months he rapes the vampire woman and she got pregnant with a second son. The little boy soon was born and they got a beautiful little omega, he was half vampire and half werewolf.

As his true mate found out about his son being an omega, he was angry and started abusing the three of them, though the little omega protected them. His father afterwards started going out and cheating on his mate, resulting to her getting unbearable pain, making her weaker and weaker every day it passed.

Her youngest son though was getting stronger and stronger as he's half vampire and werewolf but he was still an omega so he still couldn't do much.

As the little boy got to his twelve years, his older who he loves so dearly found his mate and went to live in his mates pack and promised to come and visit them when he could.

The day of the young omega's birthday though their house got attacked by rogues and his mother died in the process, the young omega not being able to protect her. His father though was the one who lead the rogues.

After that his father took the little omega and abused him for one whole year and send the omega's older brother an letter saying that they are moving over seas and they wouldn't want him anymore, though that was a complete lie and the little boy knew nothing about him.

The father left the omega in the orphanage of the pack and left for good. The little boy was all alone with only some belongings and everyone mistreated him for being an omega and at that an half vampire. He stopped smiling the moment his mother died.

Some years after his pack again got attacked by rogues and all died but him and the attack again was on his 18th birthday, that day he found his mate but hid it not wanting to be rejected.... The rest of the story I don't know, maybe I'll know it someday" and with that he finishes the story and when he looks back at the others, the others look like they have pity for that boy in the story and Jin and Jimin are crying.

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